Episode XII

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"The rules say our emotions don't comply. But we will defy the rule until we die."


 "You kept yelling his name before you woke up." Jimin answered, " Thats how Yoongi hyung and I knew you were awake."

"Oh anyways where is my food?" Jungkook tried to change the subject as soon as possible and it worked.

"Here you go." Yoongi handed him a paper bag and jungkook pulled out a burger and some fries.

"Thanks, hyung." And he began munching on his food.


"Jungkook careful, don't hit your head against the door." Jin hyung placed his hands on Jungkook's head, helping him get out of the car.

"Hyung I'm fine."

Namjoon parked the car and headed their way to help the younger.

"Omg, you guys don't need to pamper me. I'm old enough." Jungkook sounded frustrated.

Indeed he was. Over the last few weeks, he hadn't had any time to himself. He was always surrounded by someone.

Moreover, he was annoyed that Taehyung didn't text him. Its been a little over 2 weeks and still, he hasn't received any word from the older.

"Jin hyung. Don't you have work to do?" The three of them headed into the elevator as Jungkook spoke.

"No, not much actually. The case I was dealing with, You know the ripper case."

Jungkook looked confused.

"The case of the mutilated human bodies."

Oh so that what they are calling it.

"So I was working on that case and it has gone cold. No more bodies. No more evidence. Some people think that the killer might have dies and the others think that he has moved on to another city." Jin explained

Moved places?

Did Taehyung leave?

"How long since the trail went cold.?"

"2 weeks or so."

2 weeks

Jungkook's heart sank in disappointed. He was partially convinced that the older left town.

Jungkook opened the door. Before Jin and Namjoon could enter he stopped him.

"I need to be alone right now," I said in a monotone.


"No hyung. You guys go take rest too." And he shut the door without waiting for a reply.

He immediately went to bed and lied down. The last time he was on the bed was with Taehyung. He checked his phone once again in hoped to find a message from the elder. But his hopes went to waste. No texts.

Only if I knew his number.

Tiredness kicked in and Jungkook's eyes felt heavier than ever. He slowly drifted off into a deep slumber.


"Jungkook!! WHY ARE YOU ALREADY AT SCHOOL?" An angry Jimin shouted at Jungkook.

Jungkook and Jimin were now walking tit eerie first class.

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