Episode XXII

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"Kiss me when I least expect it "


A/N This chapter contains mild smut. I have put a warning sign at the beginning and the end of it.

Jungkook went inside the lecture hall and saw Jimin seating in their usual place. But Jungkook didn't want any more fights with his best friend.

Or at least he was. Jungkook didn't know where their relationship stood at this point.

Jungkook took a detour and sat on the opposite side of the room.

"Oh, Jungkook it's you again."

Jungkook turned around to see Ten standing beside him.

"Hi Ten. We keep running into each other today."

"Yeah. Is that seat next to you taken?"

Jungkook nodded and took his bag off the seat next to him.

"So hyung how was your day?"

"Hyung?" Jungkook asked

"Yeah, I'm a year younger than you?"

"Howwwww do you know that?"

Ten just smiled and didn't reply to the question at hand but rather with another question.

"You don't look at as bright as I saw you in the morning. Did something happen? Did the friend you were with upset you?"

"You mean Taehyung. He is my boyfriend. And no he didn't do anything. I'm fine."

"Oh, boyfriend." Ten looked down at his fingers. Jungkook didn't understand if he was embraced for not knowing Taehyung was his boyfriend or if he was upset that Taehyung was his boyfriend. But it really didn't matter to him. The professor walked into the class and it went quiet. Ten's attention shifted from Jungkook tot he professor standing in the front.

As class went on Jungkook started thinking more about Ten. He had a weird personality. He knew Jungkook's age and even his major when he hasn't even told him about. Moreover, Jungkook doesn't even remember telling him his name. But he didn't seem like someone who would cause trouble. Jungkook just needed to stay away from him.

The class seemed to go faster than normal. Jungkook turned around to look for Jimin out of a habit of always being with him in class. But his seat was empty.

He left so soon.

Jungkook could never stay mad at Jimin for a long time. And it was the same thing with Jimin. They have with each other at their darkest times. And Jungkook wanted Jimin to be a part of his happiness forever. The roots of their friendship has grown deep into Jungkook's heart and rooting it now would tear his heart out.

"Jungkook hyung wait."

Not him again.

Ten wrapped his hands around Jungkook's shoulders but as he was shorter it almost looks like he was hanging off Jungkook.

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