Episode X

104 13 0


"There are only two things that I want in this world. YOU and US."



A loud noise echoed through Jungkook's apartment. He woke up, still half sleepy picked up his phone. It was a call from Jimin.

"Omg, it's already 2 pm. Shit." He stretched himself and sat up on his bed. Suddenly all that happened the day before hit him.


He placed his hand on the other side of his bed where Taehyung was sleeping, only to find a flat surface.

Where is he

Maybe he's in the bathroom.

Jungkook scanned his room and all of Taehyung's clothes where gone. He got off his bed and walked around his house.

"Hyung!" He called out but got no reply.

"Why would he leave? Maybe he was just tired." Jungkook pushed away from the uneasiness he was feeling about the situation and just decided to wait for Taehyung to contact him. He made himself a cup of coffee and sat down on the couch with his laptop to finish off some of his class work.


His phone rang again. And it was Jimin again.

"Did you just wake up? I have called you a million times."

"Oh yeah. Just now. Sorry."

"You sick or something? You sound weird."

"No, it's just my morning voice."

"Anyways, Kookie I'm here at Namjoon hyung's cafe with everyone. Even Hoseok hyung is here. You should join us. Be here in 15 minuted okay? Bye"

"Hyung wait I have to ba..th. He hung up."

Jungkook knew he would have time to take a shower so he just faced his face and adjusted hair from 'I had sex last night' to 'I'm normal'. He hurriedly put on a plain white turtleneck, black sweats. He grabbed his keys and left the house. He stopped by Taehyung's door wondering if he should knock but his ego made him resist.

I wonder what he is doing though.


"Your 2 minutes late," Jin said looking at his watch as Jungkook took a seat next to Yoongi in their booth.

"The bus was..."

"Stop with the excuses." Jin cut him off.

"Jin hyung, let him go. The boy just woke up 30 minutes ago." Yoongi defended the younger. Jungkook pouted at Jin and nodded.

"Okay. Your cute so I'll you go this time."

"Where is Namjoon hyung though?" Jungkook asked his elders.

"Our rich CEO went to buy us our drink after getting a scolding from Jin hyung for being late," Hoseok said half laughing at the situation. " And there he comes" he painted at Namjoon who was struggling to carry and all the drink. He finally made it to the table in one piece.

"Oh, Jungkook you are here. Its been a really long time. I didn't know hat you would want so I just got you a banana milkshake." Handing jungkook the drink.

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