Episode XXXIII

49 3 0


"I can't quit you, oh babe."


A/N This chapter contains smut. I have put a warning sign at the beginning and the end of it.

Jungkook helped taehyung clean himself up. Now, both of them were lying on the bed, Taehyung was engulfed in Jungkook's extra oversized t-shirt, curling up to the other. They were surrounded by silence, peaceful silence.

"Jungkook," Jungkook looked down at the other. He looked for tiny and small in comparison to just an hour ago.


"You and Ten. What happened?"

"Oh that. I will tell you. You have to believe me okay?"

Taehyung nodded and Jungkook started his explanation.

"After our fight, I got a little drunk and one thing led to another and I need someone to vent out and then Ten called and asked me to come over. And I did. I know. I know. Horrible mistake. I shouldn't have. But I did anyway. And then I got more drunk at his place and passed out. I have a weird as fuck habit of stripping while drunk and when I woke up I was naked. I left as soon as I woke up and I never spoke to him after that." Jungkook let out a huge sigh.

"I believe you. That fucker messed with me and I let it get to me."

"Let's not talk about him anymore. Let's talk about us."

"What about us?"

"I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"For lying to you in the hospital." Jungkook paused for a second and brushed his hands over his lover's checks and Taehyung's check tinted red. "I love you." Jungkook moved closer and connected their lips. There were so much passion and pure love in their kiss. Both of them earned for this for a very long time.

"I would be dead without you. I love you Jungkook." Taehyung said after he pulled out of the kiss. "You should call Jin hyung and tell him everything is fine."

"How did you know it was Jin?"

"Just a wild guess. I felt like he started liking me for a short time."

"I think you did create a soft spot for yourself in Jin hyung."

Taehyung got out of the bed. "I'll be back." Taehyung ran out of the bedroom and Jungkook heard the front door open and shut.

Where the hell is he going?

Taehyung retuned in a few minuted and he kneeled down on the bed beside Jungkook. He opened his hand and held a small box. The pillbox.

"I'm going to take the pill right now in front of you."

"You sure about this?"

Taehyung smiled and took the pill and popped it into his mouth. The pill immediately melted away in his mouth leaving behind an amazing taste.

"This is so weird. It tastes so good." Taehyung said and fell into the bed. His breath hitched. "Jungkook,"

"What? Is something wrong? Should I call Yoongi."

"Jungkook. I feel so dizzy. It's so hot in here" Taehyung took off his t-shirt and was only left with his boxers. His breath continued to hitch and became heavier every minute.

"Jungkook, I can't. It's so weird."

"Hold on let me call Yoongi hyung."

Before Jungkook could get down from the bed, Taehyung caught a hold of him. "No don't leave."

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