Episode XL

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"Listen to my heartbeat.  It calls you whenever it wants to."


"Ten." Jungkook wiggled around the around, trying to free himself. "What the fuck are you doing? Are you out of your fucking mind. You damn psycho. Let me lose now." Jungkook screamed.

Ten swung the metal rod that he was holding and hit Jungkook on his left arm. "Stop screaming." Jungkook winced in pain.

"What is your problem? LET ME GO YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE."

"I said shut up." Ten swung it again and this time he hit the older on his head. Jungkook saw red and slowly passed out.

"He is out. Jimin." Ten called out and Jimin came running from the other room. His face was drenched in tears that fell down his bruised face.

"Why did you hit him? I thought you bought him here to talk."

"Shut up and do as I say. Make sure he doesn't die. At least until he knows everything."

"Until he knows everything? You are planning to kill him?"

Ten grabbed Jimin by the collar. "Listen midget, do as I say or die." Ten pushed him and Jimin flew across the room. His body was light as a feather as food hasn't been a steady supply. And on top of that, the fall made his already bruised ribs hurt even more. Jimin just sat there and cried for a few minutes and after he picked up a wet cloth and some water to wipe jungkook down.


Jungkook slowly opened his eyes. He head was ringing and the pain was unbearable. He tried to swat away the paint and fully opened his eyes. That when he saw a small body sleeping by his feet.

"Jimin," Jungkook whispered. "Omg, its Jimin. Jimin wake up." Jungkook tried to wake his friend up. Jimin slowly woke up and lifted his head to face his friend.

"Jungkook, you're awake. Ah, thank god." Jimin weakly smiled at him.

"Jimin your face."

Jimin turned away from him.

"Jimin what's happened to you? Why are you here?"

"Jungkook you have to forgive me. I'm so sorry." Jimin hugged Jungkook's legs.

"Well that was a good reunion, don't you think Jungkook hyung." Ten entered the room. He turned to Jimin. "Go."

Jimin obeyed him quickly and walked out of the room.

"Well know what. Jimin you might wanna stay for this part. Come back. I'm going to have my fun with your friend."


"Hyung, I'm trying to break the wall Jungkook has built around the location of his phone. This guy is really good though. But I'm getting through." Hobi said.

"Good. Just keep going." Namjoon said from behind him. There wasn't much to go on for the others, other than to trust Hoseok to do his thing.

"I'm so fucking useless. This is all because of me and I'm just sitting here doing nothing."

"Taehyung, there is nothing much you can do anyways," Yoongi said.

"I could go out and search for him."

"That's not going to work." Jin said


"You're just going to complicate thing. If the cops find out your searching for Jungkook, things might get suspicious for him. They might think Jungkook is gone mia because he is guilty of everything they couldn't prove.

"Then we should try finding Jimin. I feel like he is somehow involved in all this."

"I'm working on that too. I'm running facials through CCTV cameras for Jungkook and Jimin. Look at this."

Hoseok played the camera footage of Jungkook and another person talking.

"Who is Jungkook talking to?" Taehyung got closer to the monitor.

"I'm guessing it the person who recorded his voice."

"Jimin?" Taehyung was surprised. Jungkook never said anything to him.

"Yes. Look at his hands. It's fidgeting in his pockets as if he was trying to turn the recorder on."

"Yes. I can see." Yoongi said.

"And here that person, who might be Jimin walks into this alley. I can't get a good angle on the alley. But from this CCTV, he is clearly meeting someone."

"Someone is controlling Jimin," Jin said.

"Why do you say he is being controlled?" Namjoon asked.

"Look at how scared he is to get into the alley. And partially, it's a hunch. Taehyung do you know anyone who might want to hurt Jungkook."

Taehyung thought for a few minutes and only one name came to his mind. "Ten. He liked Jungkook and he even tried to break us up. But That's such a silly reason."

"What's his second name?" Hobi asked.

"I'm not sure."

"Okay. I'll run a search on him."

"Look Taehyung, you are helping." Yoongi patted his back.

"Here I found him. But he has no school records on him. This I really weird."


"It is as if he never existed before this year." Hobi typed on for a few more seconds. "Hold on hold on. Look here."

"You ran a facial recognition on him?"

"Yes. He was in juvenile prison for 11 years. Here look. His name is not Ten. It's Asume Tenchi. He is from the north. Looks like he killed his parents."

North? Parents?

Taehyung's mind raced.


Ten pulled a chair and sat opposite to Jungkook. Jungkook's blood trickled down his face and blurred his vision. Because his hands were tied behind him, he wasn't able to wipe it off. His breathing was heaved and every breath he took rubbed against his broken rib. His body leaned forward to adhere to the pain.

"So hyung, before you passed out, you wanted to know why you were here right."

Ten sat on the chair with one of his hand behind the back of the chair and legs crossed. He was able to get a good view of both Jimin and Jungkook.

I should keep an eye on that brat too.

Ten side-eyed Jimin who was timidly standing near the door with his body plastered on the wall for support. Every time Ten hit his friend Jimin felt his pain. But there was nothing he could do, other than cry and wish someone will come to save him.

"I think it will be good if I start from the very top. I was born into a lovely family. I was the eldest son and I had a sister and brother. They were twins. My mom was a house maker and my dad was a business and we lived very comfortably"

"Fucking asshole. Do you really think I want to hear your fucking childhood story?"

Ten kicked it on his shin. "Shut it and just listen."

"Yeah, where was I?" Ten turned towards Jimin. "Jimin?"

"Yo...you were talking about your family."

"Oh yes. We lived comfortably. Or until a special someone decided to visit our house one night when I was 7 years old."


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