Episode III

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"So bright the flames burned in our hearts that we found each other in the dark."


What the hell is this guy? Whats happening to me and why only me.

And then all of a sudden, gone. All that weird feelings were gone when the man looked away from Jungkook.

"Hyung, do you mind eating by yourself today. I have got some work to do." He didn't wait for Jimin's reply because he has already made up his mind. He had to find out what's wrong and therefore he walked toward the mysterious man.

"Hey, you Kim Taehyung. We meet last night. I'm Jungkook. I live on your floor." Jungkook extends his hand with a warm smile but his actions weren't repaid. The man sitting down didn't even look up at Jungkook, it was as if he was didn't even notice Jungkook walk up to him.

"Okay, I'm going to sit here. If that's okay with you." No reply again so Jungkook just sat without permission.

"Look, man, I need to ask you something and its kind of important."

The guy continued to look past Jungkook and ignoring him.

"I have been having these weird feeling. Weak and I don't know they are hard to explain. But they only happen when you're around." This seemed to have caught Taehyung's attention.

"What did you say?" His voice was deep and sensual and had not a single drop of emotion to it. But he still didn't look up at the younger. He poured his concentration on his bracelet.

"Now your talking."

"What feelings?"

"Okay, I'll get to the point. Yesterday night...."

Jungkook explained his part of the story clearly and to the point. The man listened to every detail still looking down at his bracelet. After jungkook finished, he started at the guy waiting for a reply

"So what do you think all this is about."

"My presence overwhelms you?"

"What do you mean?"

"That happens. My looks tend to overwhelm people. Girls and guys alike."

What a dick.

Jungkook didn't know what to say. He was silent and the elder chuckled.

"See, I'm too much for you to handle. You cant even speak."

"wow, you are a weird guy. What the hell are you dude?"

"I'm just another handsome guy," Tae said while smirking.

"So you planning to eat anything?" No reply.

"What major are you?" Still no reply.

"I'm in computer science by the way." Nothing

"You don't like loose talk do you." ......

"I take your silence as yes."

For another few moments both them remained silent. The tv in the cafeteria switched to the news channel and they were reporting the murder that Jimin was talking about in the morning.

"These gruesome murders have got the whole place stirred up. Curfew and all."

Jungkook felt Taehyung get up. Without saying anything, he got up and left.

"Hey, seriously? Thats mean." But like always he didn't answer back and just kept walking.

This dude seriously needs to learn manners. But he is so interesting, I want to know more about him.

Anyway, we will bump into each other again.

At that point, Jungkook didn't realize what kind of messed up situation he would meet Taehyung again.



 Hello, lovelies,

Is everyone excited for the next comeback or what? I, for one, can't wait. And bts is celebrating their 50th run episode. they have come a long way 

Also, don't forget to vote for bts at the bbma for Top Social Artist. Come on ARMY lets do it again.


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