Episode XXXI

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"I miss you but why aren't you coming home."


"I DON'T LOVE YOU," Jungkook screamed on top of his lungs.

"Jungkook." Taehyung felt his heart stop.

"I mean what I just said. Now leave." Jungkook turned his face away from the elder.

If he looked into my eyes he would know that I'm lying.

Taehyung stared blankly at Jungkook for a few seconds before leaving the room. Jin tried to call out to him but Taehyung seemed to be in his own world and just rushed out of the hospital and into his car.

Taehyung broke down immediately after he got into the car. "AGHHHHH." He banged his head on the steering wheel which repeatedly blasted the loud sound of the horn.

"Hey, you asshole." A man banged on Taehyung's window. "You are fucking causing public nuisance."

Taehyung lifted his head and looked at the man. When the man's eyes meet Taehyung's, he started to back off from the car. Taehyung's eyes read predator. He was ready to hunt. In a flash of a second, before the man could run away, taehyung grabbed him and pulled the man into his car, tearing into his flesh. He placed his hand over the man's mouth to conceal his voice. Blood dripped down onto the seats of the car. Slowly taehyung felt the man's struggle coming to a halt. Once he was sure he was dead, Taehyung pushed the body out of his car, onto the floor of the of the parking lot, not caring if anyone had seen him. He speeded off onto the highway, the high was his recent kill and numb from all the pain.


"Jungkook!" Jin rushed into the room after he saw Taehyung leave. "Everything okay?"

"Yeah." Jungkook faced away from Jin.

"What if he goes recklessly?" Jin questioned.

"You were the one who wanted me to end things with him? When did you start caring about him?"

"When I saw him break down right in from of me. He is really hurt."

"He will be fine." Jungkook knew that was that true. Taehyung might not be fine at all and it took every single cell in his body to lie to him to his face. Taehyung needs to be able to live without him cause one-day Taehyung will still be breathing when Jungkook wouldn't.

Jungkook sighed and scrunched into his bed. Jin sat next to him quietly.

"So who wants some pizza?" Hoseok banged the door open with two pizza boxes in his hands.


"This is the second time you're out of the hospital in the last month." Namjoon helped Jungkook out of the car. "I hope you get well soon. Are you sure you don't want to go back to your apartment?"


Jungkook was going to stay at Namjoon's for a few days before he feels fine to go back to his place. Namjoon led Jungkook into the house and showed him to his room.

"This will be your room. Stay here for as long as you want. I will have to go work now. Mrs. Choi will help you with anything you need. Breakfast will be served in a while. Mrs, Choi will come to get you."

"Damn, I feel like I'm staying in a hotel." Jungkook examined the room. Though it was a guest bedroom, it could be mistaken for a master bedroom. It had dark floors with a white carpet in the middle. Also in the middle was a king sized bed with white sheets. The room was very cozy and comfortable. Jungkook feels onto the bed on his back.

"Fuck." He groaned when his shoulders hit the bed. The bed was extremely comfy and fluffy. He got up and stood in front of the long mirror. He took off his shirt and noticed his abs fading off

I need to start working out again as soon as possible.

He removed the bandaid on his shoulder and hissed a little when he felts wound hit the cool air. Jungkook gently touched the wound.

Oh, Taehyung-ah. What are you doing right now?

Jungkook out his t-shirt back on. His head was filled with thoughts of the older when Mrs.Choi.

"Breakfast is ready Mr. Jeon."

"Call me Jungkook."

"Ok, sir. Jungkook. Today was have got an English breakfast. Hope you like it." Mrs. Choi led Jungkook to the dining room. "Mr. Joon has already left the house so I'm afraid you will have to eat alone."

Jungkook smiled at her and took a seat on the chair. He eats his meal quietly and enjoyed it. After he was done, he went back to his room to take a nap.


Its been 4 days and all Jungkook has done was eat, take a nap and talk to Namjoon when he was back from his work. He felt the need to get back into the real world. He decided to take a walk around the neighborhood. He put his earphones and starting walking. He stopped at the crosswalk. He looks up at the big screen across the street, news flashing images of more bodies, disfigured and a picture of a man in a black hoody. Jungkook quickly removed his headphones to listen to the report.

".... Last night there has been another body found on the Ripper case that was reopened recently. And in addition to the bodies, we now have a picture of the possible suspect, the man in the black hood was seen leaving the alley where the body was found. The police are requesting people to stay out of alleys and to be home before sunset. A curfew has been set..." the news reporter continued on.

Oh no Taehyung.

Jungkook immediately took out his phone to call Jin but stop midway.

I shouldn't. I'm not responsible for him anymore.

Jungkook decided to go back to Namjoon's house.


A/N Omg I can not believe i hit 1.1k. I haven't uploaded in a really long time. I was really busy with college stuff and I had a writer's block and excuses excuses. Bottom line I'm sorry and I'm back. 

Woot Woot... 🍭🍭

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