Chapter Twenty Three:

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Belle POV: (few days later)

(Tara at side-->)

"Thank you, is there anything else we should be concerned about?" Cayden asks Dr Phil, a worried look stretched on his face. "Avoid wearing heels, don't stress and take your tablets if need be. A midwife will be at your service now till you are in labour. Any problems or enquiries, please contact Sheila." He half smiles, handing me a small card.

"Thank you" me and Cayden both say in unison. "I'll see you in another couple of weeks, by then your bump should be forming. Your scans went well, I'll send your reports home." Dr Phil says as me and Cayden thank him and walk out of the clinic.

"Let me ring this number now, just a sec" he says walking off, dialling the number on the card. I see him put the phone to his ear as he awaits her answer. I quickly jingle in my pockets for loose change and go to the local shop opposite us. I buy a drink for me and Cayden and slowly walk back to him.

Cayden comes walking towards me and widely grins. "Well that's sorted. I spoke to Sheila, she's very nice". I nod appreciatively and hand him the drink as we walk to his motorbike in comfortable silence. Just then I see Tara walk by us in tight booty jeans and a low cut tank top. She told me when she met me that she was uncomfortable wearing clothing like that. She mentioned that her type of fashion are clothing items like; Shorts, dresses etc.

Oh well. What's my problem? Maybe she changed her mind...

She sees me and gives me a big friendly wave, walking towards me. I smile as she makes her way to us. I see Cayden from the corner of my eye, trying to ignore her by starting the ignition. "Hiya Belle" she cheerfully smiles as I smile and greet her back. Who is she dressed so sexy for?

"I got a boyfriend" she squeals as my eyes widen. This girl seriously knew how to work her magic everywhere. "Aw who?" I ask with the same enthusiasm. "Uh Nash, the bad boy" she winks as me and Cayden both look at her in surprise. "You're going out with Nash?" Cayden asks, with wide eyes. "Yeah why?" her tone becoming soft and gentle.

"He's one of Cayden's best mates. One of his old school mates" I curtly say, responding to her question. "Really?" she asks Cayden although I just answered her question. He nods and runs his fingers through his hair. "Nash didn't tell me nothing" he shrugs.

"Yeah we just made it official an hour ago" she chirps as Cayden raises his eyebrows and nods. "So where were you guys going?" Tara smiles, showing her perfect straight teeth. "Home" I mumble. I liked Tara but something seemed off about her or maybe I'm too paranoid. Girls can be so snakey at times, it's hard to trust anyone.

"Oh I just came back from town and saw you guys so thought I should pop over, and say hello. My mum dropped me to town and went to work" she giggles. "Oh, where were you going now?" I ask, feeling bad that I doubted this friendly girl. "Home, I'll catch you later" she winks, walking off. She was new to this town, how would she find her way back alone?

"Hey wait" I call out as she turns around. "Hop on" I say, pointing to the motorbike. I trust Cayden and its time I show it. "What?" Cayden exclaims. "It's a two seater".

"I know, do you mind dropping Tara off first please, she's relatively new here and I don't want her to walk alone" I sadly say as Tara comes rushing towards us. "No honestly its fine Belle, I'll find my way home-" I cut her off. "Tara it's okay" I smile as she half smiles and hugs me.

"Belle just a sec" Cayden says, pulling my arm to the corner. "First of all do I look like a taxi service and second of all, why shall I drop her and not you?" he asks as a small chuckle escapes my lips. Taxi service...

"Please Cayden, let's be nice and do a noble act. She's new here, she doesn't know her way around" I sigh. "Mum's home, I'll tell her to pick me up".

"No Belle, you hop on. You're carrying my child in there, so let's go" he says, pulling my arm. "Cayden please" I plead with desperate eyes. "Belle..." he trails off, knowing I won't take no for an answer. "Ring your mum in front of me" he orders as I happily nod and dial her number, forgetting that she had gone on a business trip.

I rub my temples, thinking of another transport person. She left the car home so I'll call Axel. I hurriedly dial Axel's number as he instantly answers. "Sup Bellaroo" he lamely says. "Hey, please could you pick me up from Town's square?" I ask, as he fake sighs. "Fine be there in 5" he says as I thank him and hang up. "Axel is coming" I say, sliding my phone into my butt pocket.

Cayden knew that my relationship with Axel was nothing threatening to him. He knew me and Axel were practically siblings and we loved each other as best friends and best friends only. "Alright, I'll wait till he comes" Cayden says as we walk back to the motorbike.

Tara who was just on the phone hurriedly hangs up as she sees us walking towards her, throwing her phone in her bag anxiously. She looked scared as she had seen a ghost. "That was N-Nash" she stutters. "Tara what's wrong? We just came back from over there and you look like you have seen a ghost" I lightly chuckle. She sighs of relief, rubbing her sweat beaded temples.

"Oh nothing" she sweetly smiles as I nod.

"By the way if you don't mind, I have to go early. My mum needs me home" she says hesitantly. I nudge Cayden as he crosses his arms over his chest. "Go Cayden, he will be here soon" I say, trying to convince him. He stands sternly, his lips pressed in a thin line.

After minutes of me convincing him, he climbs on his motorbike. "I'll ring you and Axel. Message me when you get home" he sighs. "Thanks Cayden and see you Tara" I wave them two off.

Tara POV:

(15 Minutes later)

Cayden soon drops me outside my house. I liked the little journey with him, I had my arms tightly wrapped around his muscular strong waist, as if I was scared of the motorbike and his speed. He seemed a bit iffy and tense at first but let loose. "Thanks Cay" I smile. He raises his eyebrows. "Can I call you that?" I ask, biting my lip.

He ignores my question, taking his phone out to ring Belle. I quickly stop him. "Hey do you want to come inside?" I ask, trying to distract him. I purposely drop my shopping bags pretending it was an accident, bending to pick them up as he gets a full view of my ass and cleavage. I see him gulp as I smile, waiting for his answer.

"No its fine. I'm going now" he curtly says as he was trying to restrain himself. He maybe Belle's man but he's still a man, I can give him everything he pleases. "Are you sure?" I ask. He nods and reverses, speeding off. I walk inside my empty house and sigh throwing my bags to the side. "Hey where did you go?" my mother asks me, drying her wet hands against her apron. "I went to a friend's house" I lie, walking upstairs. "Do you want anything sweetie?" she asks as I slam my door shut, not bothering to answer her. My mum didn't really drop me to town, I walked it. I was so used to this town already after all it was Belle's insistence for that hunk to drop me, not mine.

My mother was so lenient and soft on me, she blames herself responsible for the death of my father. I knew it wasn't her fault, but I had to stand my grounds, act depressed and lost so she would feel upset and let me be the way I am now. My mother got remarried for my sake, to a guy who left his family and fled with his younger son. My step dad has gone away for a supposedly "three week business trip" God knows what whores he's rented out at a hotel under the excuse of a business trip.

My little annoying teen brother comes barging in my room. "What do you want?" I snap, throwing my hands in the air. "Shut up, give me the charger for my iPhone" he rudely says as I chuck him the charger. We were equally as rude to each other, he turned 14 and he pisses me off. He wasn't my real brother. Step.

Cherry lived 4-5 houses from me, a neighbour still. She didn't come to my house often, just me and my mum would go to hers. My brother would never step out of the house, he felt so lost in this town. He and I preferred it when we lived in Spain. We moved to London and now this shitty town...

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