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"Unnie!" Lisa opened the two wide doors which lead to the theatre. Her unnies had called her asking her to go to the theatre, something about wanting to show her something. She couldn't care less what it was that they wanted her to do, as long as it's something to get her mind off of him; she was okay with it.

She was pretty much just rejected a few days ago and with the hectic schedule -thank goodness- she has never really had the time to actually think about the fact that she was rejected. For once she didn't want to stay in bed all day, she wanted to do something. Anything to get her mind off of him.

Just as the two doors closed a piano started playing.

She knew this song all too well.

Then he started singing and that's when she saw him.

The long night is following you as it flows.

A spotlight had been lit over him showing him standing there looking at her straight in the eyes. Despite standing metres away from each other, she could see his face clearly. She was sure he could see hers too.

Time follows you and fades away.

Another spotlight had been lit, showing his other member; V singing his part of the song.

Why are you getting farther away? So far that I can't reach you.

Just like V, a spotlight was shown on Jin showing him, as he sang his line.

Tell me why, you're so far away, why can't you see me in your eyes anymore? Uh.

And lastly there showed Jimin, but even so her eyes never left his. Now she understood what was so important for her to see.

Love is so painful, yeah, goodbyes are even more painful.

"We're idols doll, it's pretty much impossible for us to be together." She had remembered him telling her that just a few days ago so why is he doing this?

I can't go on if you're not here.

"We don't even know the consequences, you never know maybe they'll actually support us!"

"Doll you know how dangerous fans can get, especially to female idols."

Love me, love me.

She took a step closer to the stage to be able to see him, she knew she shouldn't be even after all the things he had told her.

Come back to my arms.

Oh so now he wants her back all of a sudden?

Love is so painful, yeah, goodbyes are even more painful.

I can't go on if you're not here.

Love me, love me.

Come back to my arms.

She stood in front of the stage looking at him, she wasn't sure what to say to him after his little performance was done. But she knew one thing, she loves him, no matter how cliche or cheesy it sounds.

She was willing to hear him out. If he did happen to hurt her again then she'll know by then that love is over.


The prologue is long over due but I couldn't think of what I should do for it. But I finally thought of something so I hope it's not really bad. Also sorry for changing the title, again. I promise this will be the last time. Coincident, I think not and Keeper just wasn't working for me. I wanted a title that would match with the story, so even though it took me a long time I think this title is much better. I probably did just spoil a bit of the story, but hopefully you'll continue reading it :)

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