34 • I will be fine

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I turned my phone, looking at the screen. It was the first selfie we took together, back when we weren't official and when we were just friends. Not gonna lie, I do miss those days.

Back then, we didn't have to worry about being caught, we just wanted to hang out as friends. Well I wanted to be more, but I needed to take it slow.

I sighed, turning my phone off, fully aware that I was going to turn my phone on again just to be staring at the picture.

This is what's best.

You did the right thing.


"Mr Yang?" I walked into his office with determination on my face.

It's now or never Jungkook. Do it for her.

"You wanted to see me boy?" His back was facing me, while he stared at the window.

"It's about Lisa." He sighed, facing me sitting on his chair. He pointed towards the chair in front of him, indicating for me to take a seat. I thanked him, accepting the seat.

"So what did you want to talk about?" I sighed, contemplating whether or not this was the right thing to do.

"The accident in the parking lot, that wasn't an accident wasn't it? The saesang fan that was threatening to release our photos together, that fan didn't stop threatening Lisa, did they?"

He sighed. "You're a lot smarter than I thought you were."

"Thanks?" That is a compliment right?

"We hadn't expected this from the fan. We told them to stop or else we'll have to sue them, they agreed to stop threatening Lisa and had even agreed to stop sending her small gifts and what not." Gifts? How long has this been going on for? How long has Lisa kept this away from me?

"I guess they had more in mind. I'm not sure what they plan to do next, but if they don't stop we will take this into serious matters." I think it was around now that I finally realised the situation I was in. The situation I was putting Lisa in and the risk that I was taking.

In the end of the day, is Lisa worth the risk?

"The only solution that we have - a peaceful solution, might I add, is for the both of you to break up." I nodded, slowly processing everything. "I understand if you don't-"

"I think that's the most sensible idea too." Well there goes trying to think about it.

"And you're 100% sure you're gonna do this? Cause if you are, I don't think I'll allow the two of you to get back together. If you decide to get back together that is. We'd like to keep Lisa out of a scandal as much as possible, we both know that won't do her any good."

"I know." I was quite surprised at how I was agreeing with all of this without any hesitation. Was I really willing to let go of Lisa? To let go of all the things we've gone through?

I suppose if I was the reasoning behind her getting hurt or her career falling apart was something I wasn't willing to do. Me out of all people, should understand what it's like to sacrifice most of you childhood to achieve something you've wanted for so long. I wouldn't want her sacrifices to go to waste. Especially all she's gone through.

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