25 • Pictures

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I had woken up to my unnies screaming my name from the living room. "Lalisa Manoban get your lazy ass here asap!" I heard Jennie yell. I grumbled and slowly got out of my bed.

Give me a break, I was awake till 2am, let me sleep in just this once.

"What?" I opened the door, leaning against the frame with my eyes still closed.

"Lisa be a dear and get your ass here this instant!" Groaning I lift my head from the door frame and walked towards to living room, rubbing my eyes to wake me up.

"Finally, sajangnim wants to see you." Jisoo said, my eyes flew wide open at the mention of his name.


"You heard her, he wants to see you now, as in now. Go to his office and make sure not to get killed by him okay?" Jennie crossed her arms, as her foot started tapping the ground. She was annoyed.

"Lisa, calm down okay?" Rosé held my shoulders, making me look at her. "Don't freak out and just meet him in his office okay?"

"I'm not freaking out Chaeng."

"Yes you are, so I'm telling you to stop freaking out and calm down!" She screeched.

"Okay, okay I'll calm down." I put my hands in the air surrendering myself. What on earth is going on. "I'm going to sajangnims office and I'll try my best not to get killed." I closed the door and walked towards his office.

As soon as I reached his door, I hesitated. Why doesn't sajangnim want to talk to me? Is he kicking me out of blackpink? My unnies seem to know what's up, is it that bad? Is it... about... Jungkook?

Shaking my head and removing those thoughts, I knocked on his door softly. "Sajangnim?" I said quietly but loud enough for him to hear.

"Come in." I walked inside his office, closing the door behind me.

"You wanted to see me."

"That I did." He pointed towards his seat, indicating for me to sit down, which I did so. "Did you want to tell me something Lisa?" Huh?

"What do you mean Sajangnim?"

"I mean, are you hiding something from me Lisa?" His voice was stern and he looked at me as if he was looking at my soul.


"If you tell me now I won't get mad."

I bit my lips, looking down and fiddling with my fingers. He knows. If he didn't, he wouldn't have called me here.

"Lisa." This time his voice was hard, during my trainee times and still now. I've learnt that Sajangnim seems to have a soft side for me. Maybe it was because I was foreigner and he seemed sorry for me, who knows. I've never used it to my advantage because I've never really believed in it. I guess I can't try to use it to my advantage today.

"I've been seeing Jungkook from Bts Sajangnim." I muttered.

"For how long."

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