9 • Busted

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"Unnie?" I held onto the frame of the door tightly.

I'm screwed. I am so screwed.

"Jungkook? As in Bangtan Jungkook?" Jennie stood up from the couch, taking small steps, standing in front of me.

"Uh, unnie. Of course not! Why would I be talking to Jungkook?" Shaking my head, I tried to calm myself down.

They can't know. Well, at least not now. I'm not ready to tell them, but there's literally no reason to lie anymore. They just heard me talking to him, plus I wouldn't be surprised if they have been taking their suspicions.

"There's literally no point in lying to us anymore Lalice." Jennie took another step forward pointing to my nose. "You think we wouldn't notice? You disappeared, yet again, without any of our permission."

"Um, well I admit." Looking at my other two unnies, I saw them smirking at me with amusement. Yup, let's sit back and relax while watching Lisa suffer. Sounds like a good idea if only I wasn't Lisa.

"I have been talking to Jungkook of Bangtan."

"Called it! Pay up Jendeukie!" Jisoo stood up doing her little happy dance, smiling from ear to ear.

"You made a bet on me!" I stomped my foot on the ground, huffing.

"And you've been lying to us." Chaeyoung crossed her arms, shaking her head.


"Nope." She stood up taking a step closer to me, "How long have you kept this from us? A month? A year? Wait are you guys a thing?" She shrieked, covering her mouth.

"Unnie! No of course not! I wouldn't keep those kinda things from you."

"Yet you kept the fact that you were talking to the guy from us." Jisoo pinched my nose smiling. Probably cause she won the bet.

"I planned to tell you soon."

"And when exactly is soon?"

"Um? Soon?" I awkwardly laughed.

"Point proven."

"Lalisa, I thought we were supposed to tell each other everything! Why did you hide such a big thing from us?" Rosé whined, pouting linking her arms with mine.

"I didn't mean to hide anything from you guys, I promise." I looked at my unnies but they didn't seem to believe me.

Well here goes nothing.

I opened my mouth ready to tell them but as soon as I did that, the door flew open. "Girls hurry up, we have other places to be!" Manager oppa yelled making us jump in our spots.

"Sorry oppa," We smiled sweetly at him but he just rolled his eyes. I didn't miss his small grin though, he won't admit it but the dude adores us. He treats us as if we're his own child, not gonna lie he does kinda spoil us a little too much though.

"This isn't over Lalice." Jennie pointed her fingers back and forth from her eyes from mine, glaring at me.

"You will tell us once we arrive at our dorm. I don't care how long it'll take we aren't sleeping until you explain yourself to us." Jisoo patted my shoulder walking out the door.

"Come on Lisa, we don't want to make manager oppa and unnie angry." Rosé grabbed my arm, pulling me out the dressing room leading the both us to the van.


We walked up to our dorm tired from our very day. From performance to performance, to interviews. It's been a very long day and I couldn't wait to just roll in bed, covering myself in a mountain full of blankets and pillows. Watching kdramas on my laptop with the lights turned off and a little midnight snack.

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