23 • It's official

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Its been a couple of weeks now, our choreography for our new single has been changed, yet again. And tomorrow it would be my birthday, which is exciting I suppose.

I stood up from my seat and started stretching. Since it's my birthday tomorrow, I would be getting a day off, along with my unnies. Not really sure what they had in plan for me, last year I spent my birthday preparing for our debut. So we didn't really get to celebrate, instead we ordered cake and had a movie marathon.

Not sure about this year, since I'm an idol now. How do idols usually spend their birthdays? I'm not too sure.

"Good work today girls! I'm sure with how we're doing now, that comeback will be a lot sooner than we think it is." That is if he doesn't change it again. Our choreographer is a very talented man, but he has a bad habit of changing the choreography frequently.

For goodness sake, we only started working on the choreography for as if it's your last a month ago, and he's already changed it. Twice!

But putting that behind me, I smiled at him, "Of course oppa." He nodded and took his leave.

"Who wants a bet that he'll change the choreography again?" Jisoo said, sitting down on the floor and leaned against the mirror.

"I say in two days." Jennie grabbed her empty water bottle and walked outside, probably refilling it.

"More like tomorrow." I muttered under my breath, though I'm sure they heard me.

"Come on guys, let's be positive here. It looked like he was really confident this time." Rosé being the positive one, had a lot of faith in him. Always defending him saying, 'maybe it's different this time,' or 'maybe he'll only change it once'.

But like we always, we ignored her and carried on with our lives. As much as we wanted to believe her, we knew that it was physically and mentally impossible for him to, 'be different,' or 'to change it only once'. I respect Rosé for still having faith in him though.

I grabbed my phone, unlocking it and saw that I had a few unread messages. Might as well use this time to reply back.

The first message was from my mother, the next was from Bambam. I don't know why, but the dude has been messaging me a lot these past few days. I'm not sure if that was a good thing or not.

The third was from Jungkook.

Bunny boi
Meet up with me tomorrow??
I'll pick you up
7pm sound good??
Orr nahh??

What for??

Bunny boi
You'll see :))

Mkay dennn

I'm not gonna lie. After our rooftop kiss, we've become more touchy. Not in that kinda way, but like holding hands and giving each other small kisses on the cheeks or the forehead. Well more like him giving me the small kisses actually.

My unnies always ask me why we aren't dating, when we're literally acting like a couple, which isn't a complete lie.

As much as I would like to defend myself saying, 'no, we're just friends' or, 'that's what friends do'. I really can't, cause here's the thing is.

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