[Yuuri/Joeri/Yuri x F! Mind-reader Reader] Puzzled

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By: XxSilver_SwirlxX

You walked through Duel Academy's grand halls after classes had ended. The hallway was draped with banners of the school's trademark. You were headed towards the castle-like academy's garden for a time where you could get away from the all the highschool trauma and have a moment to yourself peacefully without the interruption of schoolwork or your constantly competitive classmates.

Footsteps sounded the deserted passageway. You cautiously passed one of your classmates in the seemingly endless hall. A small string of tension was strung before it faded away.

(Y/n), I wonder why she's out so late. I'd better get going too, you heard a faint whisper of your classmate's thoughts. Being a mind reader, you were used to catching glances at the pondering in other's heads but even still, it surprised you how different a person's actions were to their true feelings. Years of training had taught you how to wield your secret talent properly but ever so often, other people's thoughts would subconsciously drift into you. Nobody knew your secret. And nobody ever would.

The symmetrical school corridor seemed to dance you into your own thoughts, musing the ways things were and always will be. The thoughts you caught onto from other students had always seemed to stir you into a deep consideration as you continued to replay them in your mind.

Some people were just not what they seemed. A few of your classmates like Alexis and Dennis were always honest, their thoughts matching their actions in perfect unison while others like Sora acted as though they didn't care much for the world but inside, really had a kind heart. Celina gave off a cold impression but you already knew she was a brave and courageous person on the other side. Then there was Yuri. You sighed as you thought about him.

The feelings you had seen from Yuri had always been like a jigsaw puzzle that was missing one piece. You knew he had a mischievous side, full of sadism and his troublesome personality, but finding a spark of warmth was always troubling. You knew he was good inside, if only you could find proof and bring it out. That was the missing piece of the puzzle, lost in eternity.

A quickening thump hit you downwards.

"Oh!" you exclaimed in surprise, your eyes widening. You hit a surface of mossy grass lightly. Taking a quick glance around, you realized you had walked into the academy gardens. It's tender rose bush blooms were soft on the newly rising silver moon. The flowers lined walls against you and your new companion, surrounding you in it's scarlet rings.

"(Y/N)?" the voice of your unconcerned partner questioned.

Under a dusking skyline, you could make out his magenta hair with violet bangs. Yuri's frosty fuschia eyes met your enchanting (E/C) orbs.

"Sorry," you apologized, standing back up and dusting your Duel Academy uniform. Yuri didn't seem pleased by your single word.

(Y/N)... Why she isn't scared of me? Does she not understand the meaning of fear? You could hear his thoughts ponder coldly. You wanted to tell him you weren't afraid because you could tell he was good inside, that not everyone had to be scared; but that would also risk letting him know your secret, which you knew you couldn't do.

"Why are you out here?" you asked Yuri as you gestured to the lively summer roses, hanging under the light of a soft moonbeam.

"I could ask the same for you," Yuri replied with a nonchalant tone. You took the phrase as an urge to guess. What other reason but to get away from everyone else, Yuri's thoughts echoed into your mind.

"Was it..." you began slowly. Would this reveal too much of your secret? But you were curious to see where the conversation would lead. "To take a moment away from everything at school?" you finished your guess. You tried to make out the emotion in Yuri's eyes but the faltered moonlight wouldn't reveal his secrets.

"As if you read my mind," Yuri answered with a small deceitful smile. Our game is about to come to an end, you caught his faint whisper that send a shiver down your spine.

You took a step back from the sudden turn of events. "Did you - know?" you spoke in a hushed voice. Yuri only took a calm step towards you.

"You can't hide anything from me forever," he smirked. "But I can keep a secret". You were shocked at the sudden turn of events. Your foot shuffled in another backwards motion and touched a wedge in the grass. The misplaced rock tripped you suddenly towards the rose thorns as you yelped with surprise.

A light arm caught you, seconds away from a prickle. You looked up with shaken eyes to see Yuri holding you gently.

"What are you doi-" you were cut off.

"I don't want you to ruin this moment," he shushed you delicately. You nodded slowly.

Yuri daintily picked a velvet rose and held it with perfect precision in between the two of you. He lowered it tenderly into your hands. The twilight moon enlightened the scene, lightly brushing the tips of the petals. You had always known this side of him had existed, but you never would've imagined his feelings were towards you.

You were lost for words, so Yuri did the talking. "You may be a mind-reader, but here's one side of me you've never seen," he pulled you closer towards him. You could feel the warm vibrations of your hearts pounding in rhythm. Yuri placed a fiery kiss on your soft lips under the light of a newly risen moon. You gently returned it without hesitation. This was the missing piece of your puzzle.

°°°·.°·..·°¯°·._.· 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝔼𝕟𝕕 ·._.·°¯°·.·° .·°°°  

Selene_Crescent: This one was by XxSilver_SwirlxX. She's good, don't you think? Anyway, requests are open! Next is Quattro!

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