[(OC) Dark Yugi/Yami Yugi x Angel Kaiba] Angel of my Heart

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By: XxSilver_SwirlxX

Requested by: YamixAngel

XxSilver_SwirlxX: Done! Thank you so much for letting us write about your OC!

Selene_Crescent: If there's something you don't like (a character is acting OOC, you prefer third-person("they" "she" "he", that stuff) to second-person ("you", "your", and others), or something else), feel free to tell us and we'll change it

XxSilver_SwirlxX: With that, we hope you enjoy!


You stepped into the hot desert sun. Sand shifted beneath your sandals, letting warmth flow through. The heat felt natural, as if you had lived in Egypt your entire life. You fingered with the golden locket hanging on your neck.

The memory of how to attained it was faded in time, but all you knew was a particular pharaoh had given it to you. You smiled softly. Your pharaoh.

You tipped your sunhat downwards, letting it cover the most of cascading black hair. Eyes like emeralds shone in the cooling shade.

"Angel, what are you doing out here?" the familiar voice of your older brother, Seto Kaiba, walked outside in an irritated tone. "It's too hot, and you'll get a sunburn," he told you disapprovingly.

"It's not that hot," you pointed out playfully.

"Are you sick?" he retorted.

You shook your head. "That's because you're still wearing your business clothes," you pointed out. He moved an eye down. Indeed, he was still dressed in a hanging white coat, matched by a black shirt, and ebony pants.

"She's right Kaiba," your friend, Joey, added as he came outside. "Nyeh, why don't you change into something cooler?" he suggested.

"No thanks. Unlike you dweebs, I don't play dress up," Seto scoffed.

"Oi! Who are you calling a dweeb?" Joey demanded.

You giggled. But you had to admit, your brother was right about one thing.

You and the rest of your friend circle had changed into light clothing for the trip. Around you hung a smoothly long dress in a dark shade, matched by a set of green. Golden headpieces lined in silky black hair, as a few bracelets dangled around your wrists. Seto had mentioned several times it made you look like an Egyptian queen, which was exactly what you had planned.

He had questioned why you had to put so much effort into a single vacation, but you only smiled. That was your own little secret. Perhaps it was just comfortable, or you enjoyed the small reminder. The fragments of your past were still with you, and as long as they were, you wanted to treasure the moments. You slid a finger across the warm locket.

"Are you two fighting again? It's only been three days," Tea joined your trio in the heated afternoon.

"Me? Get involved with this idiot? No way," Seto looked away dismissively.

"Hey! Kaiba, you punk!" Joey exclaimed, raging. He then paused, and glanced to you. "Not you Angel," he added. You smiled, afterall, you were his sister, Angel Kaiba.

"Let's stop arguing," said Tea. "Besides, we've just finished planning where we're going today," she told them.

"Oh goodie," Seto rolled his eyes sarcastically. He hadn't wanted to come in the first place, but you and your youngest brother, Mokuba, convinced him in the end.

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