[(OC) Zaku/Z-ARC x Adya] Duel of Destiny

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By: XxSilver_SwirlxX

Requested by: QueenZarc

XxSilver_SwilxX: Here is the first one-shot you requested, and there are more to come! Please note, the fandom names this character Z-ARC, and Zaku for Japanese, but for writing purposes (and reading convenience), we will be referring to him as Zarc. 

Selene_Crescent: If there is something you don't like in it(ex. dis plot sucks, wat y is dis so OOC, kan u use third-person 4 once?!), tell us and we will change it. Oh, and note, we added two of our own OCs because we need someone to duel against, and there aren't any characters in the anime that actually fit. BTW, they're here for plot conveniences, NOT SELF INSERTS!!! If anyone has a problem with the names, we'll change it

XxSilver_SwirlxX: Regardless, thank you for very much for allowing us to write about your character, and we hope you enjoy!


This one-shot takes place before the splitting of the original dimension. Our theory for this story is that Zarc and Ray were once friends. The events are in the time they still were


The quiet was only interrupted by cards shuffling furiously, but not of your own. Two duel-disks were the light of the room. You sat on the couch, bidding time for the tournament finals to begin.

Determination coursed through your veins. You and your partner had made it this far already. This last duel would be your best.

Footsteps entered the room. You turned your head slightly, to see your friend, Ray Akaba, enter the room. Her velvet hair bounced as she approached you and your partner, busily shuffling cards.

She glanced at him. "Zarc, that's not going to give you a better chance of winning," she said.

"Ray's right," you pointed out, smiling.

"I know that," Zarc grumbled, setting down his deck. "I'm just bored!" he said.

"That won't help you and Adya concentrate!" said Ray. When Zarc ignored her, she stated loudly. "This duel is important Zarc"!

"I know that too!" he protested. You laughed. Ray had always said you and Zarc you had to prepare better.

Before she could suggest you and Zarc do a written test before your duel, a young man knocked on the door.

"Miss, mister, your duel is starting soon. I'll be escorting you. There are five minutes left," he said.

Zarc stood up and stretched. "Well, are you ready Adya?" he asked.

"Obviously," you smiled. You equipped your duel-disk on your right arm, and held your deck with the left. "Are you coming Ray?" you asked.

She gave Zarc a frown, then nodded.

You unlocked the door with a metallic click. It swung open on a hinge to reveal a plain corridor. You made the first move, and the other two followed along.

The male had a rather bland appearance, and an expression suggesting he was either not particularly happy to be around your group, or hadn't smiled for months. You figured the second. He most likely was supporting your dueling opponents. Afterall, you and Zarc had been snatching the championship title from the Oryder brothers for three years now. This would, with certainty, be your fourth.

"You seem awfully confident," the male said gruffly.

"Why shouldn't we be?" you asked.

"That's right. There's no way Adya and I could lose to those guys," Zarc bragged. You nodded.

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