[(OC) Yuuri/Joeri/Yuri x Ela] Green and Roses

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By: XxSilver_SwirlxX

Requested by: QueenZarc

XxSilver_SwirlxX: Here is your second OC's story!

Selene_Crescent: Same rules as before, if there's anything you don't like(dis is OOC, y is writing so lazy it looks like u did dis while sleeping, bruh what u do 2 plot?!), we'll change it!

XxSilver_SwirlxX: ... must you always list examples?

Selene_Crescent: Yeh. Anyways, there's nothing else to say, so enjoy!



Since the four dimensions had split, you, Ela, was certain Duel Academy had never seen better days. Yes, the island school had been relocated while repairs were being replaced on the incident, but the new dueling institute was in an even larger island. Your home was practically a garden now, and that was good enough for you.

Social standards had dropped, and your educational rates were soaring through the skies as ever. There was only one thing missing.

"Be quiet!" your boyfriend, Yuri, hissed at some first years passing by with red jackets. They had been arguing about their science grades in geology until now. Yuri glared at them. "You can bicker elsewhere. Otherwise, I'll be giving you a first-hand demonstration of what the ground tastes like".

The three kids gave him nervous looks, and you distasteful. They then walked away. You casually ignored them, and flipped a page in your book.

"I don't see how you can concentrate on reading with those vermin roaming around," Yuri frowned, leaning further into the bench.

"That's easy," you said. "It's because I wasn't the one who nearly destroyed the world a few months back". You didn't take your eyes off the book.

Yuri scoffed.

You smiled to yourself and thought back. Perhaps Duel Academy had seen better days. Afterall, it wasn't a typical day if you had a head in a book, blocking out the world. Having the top ranking in the school meant administering the lower downs, which usually meant reading couldn't be considered even a pastime, what with red ranks failing to hold duel-disks properly, yellows always chattering noisily, and blues boasting about one thing or the other.

Yet, because of the uncooperation lately, especially reds furious at being bossed around by people who nearly did destroy the world, it was safe to assume the negative feeling in the school wouldn't be going away anytime soon. That was okay with you. History could hate you, but it's time would fade all scars.

A bell rang loudly. You hesitantly shut your book.

You glanced to Yuri, who had been burying himself in notes.

"Come on, you've got a Traps and Triggers study hall," you said.

Yuri nodded nonchalantly while picking up sheets of paper. "And you have Monster Theory, then Duel Period". You stared at him quizzically. "New schedule". You groaned. You had practically grown up in Duel Academy, and in all your years, they had never shifted schedules.

"Monster Theory is in the classroom down the hall, isn't it?" you asked.

"That's Spell Origins," Yuri corrected. "Try the one closest to the cafeteria, ground floor".

You shrugged. "Fine". Your black and green hair swooped as you stood. You picked up the rest of your supplies, and with a curt goodbye, headed towards the staircase, wondering why on Fusion you had chosen so many subjects.

The plain blue and white corridor played contrast against brilliant brown eyes. Your twin-tailed uniform stuck out like a forest at sea, matched by earthly leggings. Yuri always joked you were the spirit of the earth alone.

Your footsteps made soft thuds as they passed the stairs. The ballroom below had a few students still late for classes standing around. Some turned as you entered.

You sighed and dismissed them with a wave of your hand. "You should all get to class before a professor locks you out," you said.

A new kid in the red rank started up. "Why should we listen to you, miss special?" he said. Others jeered.

Your eyes sharpened.

He took a step back. Nervousness spread across his face, and the others quieted. You walked up to him. All eyes were on you now.

"Would you like to test me any further?" you said. "Last time someone did, they ended up in the hospital wing for a week. And if I remember correctly, I outrank you, don't I?" you asked. "You must be lucky today, because miss special can give you a hands-on activity". A small smirk that crept onto your face. It alarmed the students.

The boy was stuttering. "You're, you're - a freak! - a freak, just like your boyfriend!" he shrieked.

You glared. Your hand grabbed for your deck.

A slit bolted towards him.

There was a thud.

Then a deathly silence. The other students were quivering and breathless, but you didn't regret it. You would've become a soldier if you had any left to waste on a lot such as this. When five seconds had passed, everything had been made clear.

The card you shot had almost scathed the student in the face. An unfortunate miss, if you had been honest.

Your voice echoed clearly. "Did I mention you're supposed to be in class?" you asked sweetly. They quickly nodded, and scurried away like mice. You let out a relieved breath. Nobody would be hearing about this. After all, who would believe them? No one, that's who.

You picked up your supplies once more, and the card, then headed to class.

❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

Afternoon classes ended with the ring of a bell. You sat at your usual spot, as grass rustled under your feet. The forested land gave off a damp scent. Rain had fallen recently.

Your head was in your book once more, not absorbing any of the information. You were waiting for a particular someone.

Leaves crunched as steps approached you. You saw your purple and pink haired friend leaning towards you, staring at the book's text.

"This looks boring," Yuri said. "Why doesn't she just say she likes him? Wouldn't that make everything faster?" he asked. "I can't believe they spent fifty pages with each other, and still haven't confessed they like each other".

"That's why I'm disinterested," you said, putting the book down. Yuri slipped into the seat beside you. There was a moment of quiet.

"Is it true you almost killed someone with a bar of soap?" Yuri asked.

You reproached. "No!" you said. "It was a trading card! Besides, it wouldn't even give him a concussion". Your temper was growing at that boy's unobservance.

Yuri didn't seem bothered. In fact, he was smiling. "Alright. Is the part where you did it for me true?" he said innocently. A slight pink stood out in your green attire.

You turned away and crossed your arms. "Being disrespectful goes against the school's policies. That's all".

Yuri's expression seemed more like a smirk. "Why don't you just say you like me?"

You turned around to see his hot magenta eyes. "You're difficult, you know?"

"You're thorn-like," he said. "And that's why I love you".

A great warmth consumed you. It was almost as if purple and green were twisting into one. A foundation of unison. And in the smoothing haze, you saw a glint of red in the bushes. Just green. Green and roses.

°°°·.°·..·°¯°·._.· 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝔼𝕟𝕕 ·._.·°¯°·.·° .·°°° 

XxSilver_SwirlxX: Thank you for reading, and more chapters will be released soon!

Selene_Crescent: Until then, CYYAAA PEEPS!

[OPEN!] Yugioh OneshotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang