[Yusei Fudo x F! Reader] A Shimmer of Stardust

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By: XxSilver_SwirlxX

Requested by: AnnAdrias7

XxSilver_SwirlxX: After many days of research (yes, I do research), we have finally completed the story. Selene_Crescent is currently unable to write, however requests will be held open. Neither of us have yet finished Yugioh 5Ds, so expect the characters to be OOC. Regardless, we hope you enjoy!


"Hey (Y/N)!" your friend Rally called, "you gotta see this!" he told you, running towards you excitedly.

"What is it?" you wondered, shifting your glance from the book you were reading.

"Yusei's going to test his Duel Runner!" the reddish haired boy enthusiastically informed you. Your (E/C) eyes widened with an animated twinkle. Your heart skipped a beat at the mention of you secret crush.

"Then let's go already!" you brightened, bolting upwards from the wooden chair you had sat in. You instantly settled aside your novel.

"Yeah!" Rally agreed. He energetically led the way. You followed him through the Satellite's dull walls, your cheerful steps gail and breezy. (H/C) hair flowed in the light breeze of your quick pace. You didn't dare let the dim lighting falter your excitement. "We're almost there!" Rally announced. Your movements quickened happily.

Blinding sunlight caught your gaze. You felt your hands shoot up to shield you from the luminant streams. Gradually, the burning radiation faded; you let your posture halter down.

You took a glance at the deserted road. Your friends were waiting patiently for you and Rally. A white Duel Runner construct stood proudly beside it's rider, it's noticeably leaning round shape gleaming in the light luster. You beamed proudly, remembering the several long times where you and your friends had helped Yusei construct the Phoenix Whirlwind. Yusei was holding a white riding helmet, clearly prepared to drive. You could feel the thrill rushing through your veins. A smile lifted your mood as you waved your greetings.

"We're here!" you and Rally ran up to them. Yusei shed a smile in your direction,

"Glad you could make it, (Y/N)," he smiled warmly.

"What about me?" Rally pouted. Yusei grinned,

"I'm glad you came too," he replied fondly to the young male. Seeming content, Rally's usual cheerful aura seemed to beam. You couldn't help but crack a smile.

"Ready?" Tank chimed in, motioning to the Duel Runner. Yusei nodded in agreement,

"Ready," he agreed, easily slipping the helmet onto his head. He sat in the circled center of the Phoenix Whirlwind. The titanic metallic wheel gleamed in the lingering wisps of sunlight. An invisible breeze of exhilaration blew past you. "Let's rev it up!" Yusei declared to meet a roar of engines. Dust kicked from the roadway. Your heart pounded heavily against your chest, but your excitement overpowered the eager anxiety inside you. There was the blaring beat of motors, then Yusei took off.

With each passing second, you stared off into the near distance, just close enough so you could see Yusei in your range of sight. The engines were nothing but a faint purring. The glistening snowy-white wheel in the center of the Phoenix Whirlwind continuously crossed your vision.

The chilly night breezes had crept out. The sun began to sink below the ground, painting a vivid sunset into the sky. You didn't care how long you had to stay in the freezing dusk, something about the way Yusei rode had already caught your attention solidly.

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