[Yuma Tsukumo x F! Reader] Love Her?

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By: XxSilver_SwirlxX

XxSilver_SwirlxX: Okay, maybe we've been taking a break from writing for too long. But despite that, we're back with another one-shot! For this story, we've actually written it in third-person (for once). Anyways, we hope you enjoy!


Light filtered from the forested trees in soothing wisps. Winds tossed the park's leaves. They tumbled on the walkway as the trio headed their way to avoid publicity.

"So what did you guys want to ask me about?" the boundless thirteen-year-old asked energetically. His friends, Kite and Shark, eyed each other. Then Kite answered,

"Yuma, it's about you," he told him. The smile faded from Yuma's face.

"What do you mean?" he replied, clearly confused.

"You and (Y/N)," Shark continued. At the mention of the girl's name, Yuma reddened.

"What about us?" Yuma nervously repeated. The two rolled their eyes as if it was the most obvious subject in the world.

"Yuma, we can tell you like her," Shark informed him in an irritated tone. "It's not like you hid it very well either," he added. Yuma was as red as a tomato.

"N-no," he looked away. "We're just friends," he fidgeted. His expression burnt with every second as he contrasted with the green background. Kite and Shark replied with skeptic nods. "I mean it guys!" Yuma retorted. Then, in a more quiet tone, he said, "It's just that I get this warm fuzzy feeling whenever she's around, and feel like I can't breathe whenever she smiles, and the look on her face is always really cute, and-"

"Yuma, that's the exact definition of love," Shark smiled. Yuma backed off.

"Is-is not!" he exclaimed. Kite and Shark shared chuckles. "We're just friends!"

A rustle in the bushes sounded; Yuma jumped as he practically high-fived the sky.

The teasing face of (Y/N) beamed playfully. "Does that mean you don't love me?" she questioned.

"I didn't mean it like that! It's just that I said I didn't like you but I actually like but you but I-" Yuma was lost for words.

Kite grinned, "we'll leave you two to it," he and Shark turned to head away.

"Wait what?!" Yuma quickly exclaimed. He turned around to find them but they had already left. The red and black haired boy gaped. The situation was as clear as the blazing sunlight streaming from the trees. His friends knew he had found a crush on (Y/N), but didn't have enough confidence to tell her in person. Now he realized, this was their way of helping him.

"H-hey (Y/N)," he anxiously faced her. (Y/N) smiled. Yuma's heart stopped beating. The silence beckoned to take over, but Yuma forced it away. He was beginning to feel the flow. Gradually, he inhaled a sharp breath and explained with inhuman speed. "(Y/N) I really really like you it's just that I never got the chance to tell you but I actually do and I really hope you like me back-"

(Y/N) shushed Yuma with a gentle finger on his lips. The boy now gasped for breath.

"I love you too," the soft glow in her (E/C) eyes brightened. Without a warning, she planted a warm kiss on Yuma's cheek. He blazed cherry red in shock, then smiled.

"Alright!" he exclaimed. "I am feeling the flow!"

(Y/N) grinned. Yuma's crimson red eyes landed on her in a beam of affection. He could feel the energetic radiations from her heartbeats soothingly intertwine with his. A cheery laugh echoed from around them. It was time they high-fived the sky together.

°°°·.°·..·°¯°·._.· 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝔼𝕟𝕕 ·._.·°¯°·.·° .·°°° 

XxSilver_SwirlxX: Thank you so much for reading and have a lovely day/night! By the way, requests are still open, and we hope you are all having an outstanding Summer Break!

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