[(OC) Kaito/Kite x Lina Mizusuki] Reckless Love

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By: XxSilver_SwirlxX

Requested by: lina-tenjo

XxSilver_SwirlxX: Thank you very much for requesting and letting us write about your character! Please note, this takes place before the ending of Yugioh ZEXAL season 1

Selene_Crescent: If you find any details missing in the story, or something you don't like(boring, everyone's OOC, why you no use third-person Silver?!), feel free to tell us and we'll change it

XxSilver_SwirlxX: Without further ado, enjoy!


The plain walls played contrast against brilliant blue eyes. The only sound came from nearby typing, and the occasional flip of a page. You had an urge to bang your head on the wall, just to make something happen. Maybe if you tried hard enough, you could give yourself a concussion. Afterall, a hospital room would've been more exciting than your position right now.

Time seemed to slip through your hands. I could be number hunting right now! You thought impatiently.

You stood up from the stiff chair and stretched your legs. Light steeped through the tiny crack in the curtains. You could smell the dust lingering. The temperature was a little too warm for your liking. Just enough to make you feel uncomfortable.

You looked to the only other person in the room. Your partner, Kite Tenjo. He was shifting through a heavy novel about the history of Heartland City. A white coated robot by the name of Orbital 7 was typing away at a nearby computer.

The room practically echoed, nothing exciting here.

Groaning, you sat back down, this time on a lengthy couch. You picked up a book from the closest bookshelf. You laid down, and held the book directly above your head.

"Don't do that," said Kite, not looking up. "It might fall".

"So?" you asked, flipping to the very center and skimming through.

"So. It'll ruin your pretty face," he said.

A small smark cast away some boredom. "Does that mean you like me?" you asked innocently.

"Don't be ridiculous. We're just partners," he said in a too quick tone. This put a smile on your face he called pretty.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes," said Kite, as stiffly as the first chair.

"M-master K-kite!" Orbital 7 interrupted. "Your b-body temperatures are increasing. I-it has come to my attention t-that some m-men act tough around their crushes," he announced.

"I am NOT in love!" Kite yelled. He tossed the book aside.

A smile naturally came across your lips. "So is it true?" you said playfully.

The blonde pulled up another novel and buried his scarlet face in it. Whether from anger or blushing, it might've been both.

You wanted to push it a little further, but you held your tongue. A few minutes drifted by. Then Kite set the book aside.

"I've had enough of this. We could be hunting numbers," he said, standing up.

"But we h-haven't located the next n-numbers!" said Orbital. "Heartland's a-area is far too b-big to go w-without any information--"

"I said I've had enough," Kite stated. "Do I need to say it again, or should I reboot you?"

"Er, no sir!" Orbital said. You were used to Kite's temper by now.

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