🦃[Yu-Boys x F! Reader] Thankful Giving🦃

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By: XxSilver_SwirlxX

XxSilver_SwirlxX: Yes, we know we are late, and got distracted. But regardless, it's finally done, and we hope you enjoy!

Selene_Crescent: Happy late Thanksgiving everyone!


You sat on your bed, reading your favorite book. Light breeze blew outside the window. Fall leaves drifted in the breeze. You flipped the page.

Bells chimed. You stuck your head up.

There was a rapping sound from outside. You put your book down. Skipping down the stairs, you took a glance through the eye-hole.

The faces of your best friends were grinning outside. A smile lit your lips, and swung the door open.

"Hi (Y/N)!" your friends waved. You grinned back. The air was crisp, just waiting for the harvest to finish.

"Come inside," you told them. "Then we can start cooking". The tomato and banana haired of your group, Yuya and Yugo, excitedly nodded and bounded in. Yuto and Yuri were quick to follow. You shut the door and joined along.

With thanksgiving lingering in the air, you and your friends quickly got to work. You headed outside with Yuto to rake leave piles, while Yuya, Yugo, and Yuri stayed inside to cook.

You put on your jacket, while a (F/C) scarf hung around your neck. Smiling, you grabbed a rake and stepped into the cool October air. Leaves had scattered all over the front lawn. The neighborhood was deserted, but you didn't mind.

Your gloved hands held the rake. Leaves soon turned into piles, and piled into a mountain of leaves.

"Yuto, let's jump in," you suggested.

"Alright," he grinned. You took a few steps back. "Ready?" he asked, grey eyes glistening. You nodded, and charged towards the pile.

Leaves scattered and shuffled. The leaves were cool against your skin.

Your head poked out from the pile in laughter. Yuto was beside you, breaking from the pile. You tried to follow, sinking in the hill.

"Need help?" Yuto asked kindly, and held out his hand.

You finished your laughing, then beamingly took it.

❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

It had only been a few moments since you re-entered the house. You had already taken off your jacket, and was soaking in the radiating warmth. You sniffed the air.

It was filled with the smell of fresh cranberry sauce, roasting meats, and the lingering scent of something burnt.

You darted into the kitchen with alarm.

"What happened in here?" you exclaimed. The fire alarm beeped loudly.

"Yugo! That's not how you use a stove!" Yuri yelled at Yugo, who was holding a potato with tongs over the smoking stovetop. "Do you understand what that means? It means that's a Nogo!" Yuri shouted. Yuya was covering his ears.

"I do what I want to, you got that cabbage head?" Yugo retorted.

"Hey! Be nice!" Yuto told the two of them.

"I agree with Yuto," Yuya added. You nodded, while struggling to contain your giggles.

Just then, a pot started steaming. Screeching smoke filled the air. Now more people than Yuya were covering their ears. You ran towards the lid, and took it off.

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