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Selene_Crescent: WOW. Just wow. THANKS FOR THE SUPPORT GUYS! Anyway, srry for not writing much... I think I have the bad case of writers block. I can start stories alright. Then it gets to the part where I'm like: hmm... HOW DO I CONTINUE!?

XxSilver_SwirlxX: We never thought we'd get this many when we first started, so thank you all so much!

Selene_Crescent: We're having a special thingy thing thing because 1K VIEWS?!?! WHAT HAPPENED. We're opening up requests for Tokyo Ghoul, Fairy Tail and Black Butler.

XxSilver_SwirlxX: Thingy thing thing? Do you need help with formality?

Selene_Crescent: NO, NOW SHUT UP (ignis) SILVER. Anyway, name every single freakin character you'd like from one of those anime's and we'll do it.

XxSilver_SwirlxX: We'll also be writing a few exclusive chapters, including of a preview to full a "x reader" books(consists of chapters, and much longer than a one-shot) that we will be releasing soon, and another (C/N) x Reader! Requests are open as always!

Selene_Crescent: It's a Yusaku x Reader! Okay byyeeeee peeps. 

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