❄️A Very Arclight Christmas❄️

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By: XxSilver_SwirlxX

XxSilver_SwirlxX: A little story to bring some Christmas cheer to this book. Even if you don't celebrate Christmas,(which is perfectly fine) we still hope you've had a great year, and that the next will be even better! 

We'd also like to thank you all so much for supporting us all the way through the years!(this book isn't a year old yet, but close enough) Yugioh Oneshots would never be what it is today without each and every one of you. Even the silent readers, you guys are awesome! 

More on the content, this is less of a one-shot than a scenario, which is why we didn't use our standard format. The story takes place after the third and very final season of Yugioh ZEXAL, and is humor based.

Selene_Crescent: Moving on, we're making some HUGE changes for next year. Read the previous chapter for sad news, and read this for happy news. Skip to the one-shot if you just want to read the story

Basically, we're going to make bonus questions more common. You know those "YO, ANSWER DIS USELESS BONUS QUESTION SO WE GET MORE COMMENTS" stuff we put at the end of special chapters? Yeah. We're not going to make them useless and for the comments this time. We'll be using them to improve your reading XP (<--- not a face, it stands for experience, obviously), or so something like that

Anyways, ENOUGH TALKING ALREADY! This A/N is longer than it needs to be. So without further ado, we thank you for reading, and we hope you enjoy!



The scent of cinnamon wafted through the Arclight family's house. A fresh bed of snow had fallen on the pavement. It was the merriest time of year, and for you, the busiest... for your cousins.

You rung the doorbell with cheer and waited as shuffling unfolded inside.

"(Y/N)'s here!" the excited voice of the youngest of the Arclights, Trey, exclaimed.

"You get the door," a gruffer one replied.

"Quattro, I want you to be respectful in front of our guest," said Quinton.

"Oh come on. She's our cousin. It's not like we have to dress up and pretend someone died". You smiled; Quattro hadn't changed.

"Boys," a voice more childish than Trey's, though you ought to know better, called. "That door's not soundproof". There was a pause inside, and you held back giggles.

The hinges swung without a creak and your mousy haired friend greeted you with a smile on his face. "It's so nice to have you around for Christmas," Trey told you, offering to help with your luggage.

"Hey, it's only one suitcase," you grinned, pulling it inside. Quattro and Quinton were sitting on couches around a mini library to the side. The Christmas tree was on the other portion of the room, standing upright with all its glory. The main room was warm, and a fireplace was blazing in the center. There were already candles placed around, so you couldn't understand why the Arclights ever needed so much heat. Unless, of course--

"Quattro, put that candle down. You'll catch my book on fire," Quinton said, not glancing up from a heavy novel, most likely about chemical matter. The first time you saw him, he was reading about super novas. You had asked him to explain them, then realized a minute through you had no idea what half the words meant. That was when you were younger.

"Quattro, I am warning you," repeated Quinton. "I don't want anything set ablaze before the New Year".

The maroon and yellow haired male shot him a look. "Well they take up too much space, and I can't concentrate on anything without worrying my robe will get set on fire". You stifled a giggle.

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