Preview of more Fanfics

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(A/N, Selene has her own onesies book now! Check it out if you want to!)

Selene_ Crescent: yes, we wrote another one. (If you want to see the first preview, check out our (1K READS SPECIAL) Enlighten Preview chapter) Here's some scenes from it!

XxSilver_SwirlxX: ... what do you mean by preview? We. Are. NOT. Posting. These. Stories!!! Moving onwards, if there is a character you do not know, it is most likely from a different anime we cross-overed. If not, then it's an OC we made up. (OCs included are Io, Aireen, Ms. Alaria, Mr. Potzel, and Kyson) Please note we did not try very hard on this story, (and we are not posting it. EVER) so the writing may seem different from our usual stories.. Regardless, we hope you enjoy!


A door creaked open. Io struggled to shift her gaze.

Footsteps entered in the room. They were on her right side. Slowly, breathing could be heard. Io's heart skipped crucial beats. She could hear words forming from the radiating lips.

"Hey Io, want this Caramilk?" Quattro's voice asked. Io paused. Her yellow and maroon haired classmate entered her sight casually.

"QUATTRO?!" she yelled.

"What? I just asked if you wanted a candy bar," he shrugged. Then he stopped. "Wait. I should untie you first," he realized.

He unprofessionally snapped the binds around her. Io felt herself lower onto ground.

"Okay, now do you want the Caramilk?" Quattro asked.

She darted her eyes around. "Where is everyone? Where are we? And WHERE did you get that from?" she pointed to the Caramilk in his hand.

Quattro tried to answer the questions. "Um, I think everyone else forgot about us, I think we're somewhere in the observable galaxy, and I think I found it in a kitchen," he counted.

"A kitchen?" Io questioned.


Io peered through blurry vision. Her surroundings consisted of several stone structures, wavy lines of blue, and a smog tainted sky.

"What the devil, just happened?" Ciel asked exhaustedly.

"I, didn't, get, to, finish, my, food. That's what," Quattro laid on the ground.

Io was too tired to open her mouth. Her sight was dazed, fingers trembling.

"I believe there has been an attack of some sort," Sebastian supposed.

"No, duh," Aireen heavily breathed.


I can analyze three problems with this scenario. Yusaku began. One. Considering how well dressed Ciel is, it's safe to assume he's richly spoiled and would not be very helpful to our team. It's also obvious Sebastian's hairstyle and attire is somewhat similar so that it contrasts Ciel's. I suppose there's some loyalty around them, and if he's anything like Ciel, that wouldn't do much good. Two. Quattro's aggressive stance shows he could easily get into a fight, and like earlier, he tends to argue especially with Karma. That's not useful. Three. Seeing how Io and Aireen often stand together, they are good friends. Not to mention Aireen's open nature. That could possibly mean she is chatterish, and would serve no use to this team. Io's haughty expression could also be an indicator as if saying she's uncooperative.

"Computers are over here! Three computers maximum for each group!" Ms. Alaira announced as she unlocked a computer cart.

"I'll get us computers. Then three of us can log on," Aireen suggested. The others nodded in unison.

[OPEN!] Yugioh OneshotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ