[Bakura Ryo/Ryou Bakura x F! Reader] Blooming Joy

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By: XxSilver_SwirlxX

XxSilver_SwirlxX: Here is the fifth one-shot to our Countdown Challenge!

Selene_Crescent: No Aluminum Countdown this time?

XxSilver_SwirlxX: Nope! I'm saving that for tomorrow! Anyways, enjoy the story!


A welcoming knock sounded at your door. A tight blush reddened at your cheek as you headed for the opening. You stood before the wooden exit. Taking a deep breath, you forced your bravery on an opened the door ajar.

"Hello (Y/N), are you ready?" the shy British accent of your boyfriend, Ryou Bakura, asked. You nodded, your cheeks a crimson red, just seeing him. Your eyes couldn't unstick from the male's glistening orbs of brown, or his snowy white hair.

"Yeah, let's go," you agreed. Ryou smiled nervously as you stepped into the summer's outerworld. Despite consensing the event would not be a date during earlier planning, and was rather a time to hang out at the beach, it was obvious both of you couldn't shake the awkward feeling off.

"Oh, and (Y/N)?" Ryou asked, an anxious tone bordering his voice.

"Yeah?" you wondered, your finger brushing the side of your flowing hair self-consciously. Slowly and hesitantly, Ryou handed you a bouquet of (F/C) flowers.

"Don't take this the wrong way, but I really like you," he muttered quietly, face a permanent velvet. You smiled in a outbursting blush.

"Thanks," was all you could muster. Still flustered, Ryou took your hand.

"Ready?" he asked. You nodded enthusiastically.

"Ready". You shut the door to your house, then walked alongside Ryou to your destination. Whatever happened next, you were ready.

❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

You breathed in the wonders of the world outside. Sandy beaches lined the terrain. Waves of water lapped nearby. Now in your swimsuit, you lashed into the ripples with the pale boy by your side.

"Wait up (Y/N)!" Ryou called cheerfully, his accented voice like music to your ears. His endearing features sparked the flame of warmth in your heart.

Bright skies hung above the striking sunlight, shimmering as a sunflower's golden petals. Cloudless breezes mildly ran through your now soaked (H/C) strands. The heated waters reflected the fiery sky's radiation.

"You'll have to catch up Ryou!" you shouted back to the him playfully. The boy just smiled, then quickened his pace towards you. Avalanches of water cascaded around your rushing speed, sharply slowing down your movement.

The white-haired male gradually caught up to your pace, tackling you down into the waves with a sudden tripping splash. Your head bobbed slightly below the water's edge, soft as lilies. You resurfaced in an instant with laughing delight.

"Caught you!" Ryou announced cheerfully, bringing a guaranteed smile to your face. Seeing the sunlight reflect off his silver bangs was irresistible. Now it was your turn to catch him by surprise.

Without a second's hesitation, you pulled Ryou into a quick kiss, then pulled away with lightning fast speed. Ryou stood there, in the crashing waves, a look of shock washing over his face. His cherry red blush tightened into crimson.

"Don't take this the wrong way," you told him, equally as embarrassed. You caught stunned the glint in his richened pools of brown, then put on a reddened smile. Flowers of a growing love began to bloom. "But I really like you". At those words, Ryou's gesture seemed to ease with similar feelings. He pulled you into a hearthly hug;

"I like you too". And as a flower always begins with the seed, the seed of your love was planted, for eternity.

°°°·.°·..·°¯°·._.· 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝔼𝕟𝕕 ·._.·°¯°·.·° .·°°° 

XxSilver_SwirlxX: Thank you so much for reading, and have an excellent day/night!

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