[Ryuji Otogi/Duke Devlin x F! Reader] Dice in the Dungeon

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By: XxSilver_SwirlxX

Selene_Crescent: This is the 2nd story to the ANIMEllenium Countdown challenge! 

XxSilver_SwirlxX: I still think it's Aluminum Countdown

Selene_Crescent: For anyone wondering, no, we don't actually have an exact update schedule. That means some times we'll be updating at 9:00 a.m. then other times we might be updating at 6:00 p.m., cause we're organized (sarcasm)

XxSilver_SwirlxX: Moving on, here are a few notes for the story; -2 degrees in celsius is 28.4 degrees in Fahrenheit. During the one-shot, (F/D/M) will be present, meaning to be replaced as "Favorite Duel Monster". Also, there will be some short references to YGOTAS (Yugioh The Abridged Series), episode 22. YGOTAS belongs to Little Kuriboh, not us

Selene_Crescent: That's all, and we hope you enjoy!


You took a seat in the far corner of a classroom in Domino High, settling down your binder and other school supplies. You had earlier decided to stay inside the school for lunch break, seeing as the weather outside was now a chilling -2 degrees in celsius. Now, you stayed stuck inside with the rest of your classmates, waiting aimlessly for something to happen.

A commotion had begun in the seat in front of you. Several students were playing games, some consisting of cards, pencils, or boards. Your skirt on your school uniform swished elegantly as you stood from the desk. (E/C) orbs found their way to the growing crowd which cheered for each play made. You kept your attention on a happening duel, until you heard the sound of your name being called.

"Hey (Y/N), wanna play Dungeon Dice Monsters?" Duke Devlin, a handsome male in a separate class of yours, asked you in a cool voice. You were fair friends, yet never had much time to communicate.

"Not really," you admitted to his wonder, honestly having no idea how to play the game.

"Oh come on, why not?" Duke questioned. The phrase mustered a thought into your mind. Why didn't you want to play? Despite not knowing the rules, you assumed the game was simple, considering you had stunning strategies in several other games. Afterall, you secretly knew, you had a small liking to the guy. It was nothing love-like, you always reassured yourself; Duke just had a likable personality; you had confirmed it from the swarm of fangirls always crowding around him.

"Fine," you replied good-naturedly, "but only because I don't have anything else to do," you added. Duke grinned,

"Fine by me," he responded. Obvious suggestions of jealousy emitted from the other girls, their envenous attitudes followed you as you took a seat opposite of Duke's.

You glanced down at the gameboard. It was a complex system, with strange game pieces, completed by multi-colored dice bearing unrecognizable symbols. A tug of regret nagged at the edges of your mind. How in the world do I play this? You wondered.

"So, how do I play?" you wondered, glancing up into Duke's emerald green eyes.

"First, we select our dice," he told you, motioning to the piles of cubes piled around the table. "You choose twelve," he continued. Nodding in understandment, you selected a handful of twelve die, without a clue what any of them did.

"What now?" you asked.

"Then, we'll each take turns drawing dice," Duke explained, "if two of your die roll on the same Summon Crest, then you can summon a monster to the field," he gestured to the game board, then held up a red die to show you the star shaped symbol on the side.

"So it's just like Duel Monsters?" you questioned.

"We each start with three heart points. When you run out, the game's over," he continued, ignoring your question.

"So it's just like Duel Monsters?" you repeated nonchalantly. Not noticing your statements, Duke kept talking,

"The die colours represent the monster type it summons when you get the summoning crests," he spoke.

"So it's just like Duel Monsters?" you asked for the third time.

"Hey! Dungeon Dice Monsters is nothing like Duel Monsters!" Duke protested.

"Uh huh," you nodded skeptically. "How so?" the thought wondered aloud. Duke thought for a moment, pressing on every game detail. You, along with his other fangirls, waited patiently for his response.

"Dungeon Dice Monsters uses dice," Duke answered at last, seeming victorious.

"I activate my trap card, Graceful Die!" your classmate, Joey Wheeler was exclaiming in a nearby duel. You burst into hysterical laughter.

❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

The game was ceasing in a close tie. You intently played every move perfectly, only to be equally matched by Duke's performance. His skills were clearly strategized for triumph, cautiously unpredictable. Dice tumbled on the tabletop intensely, waiting for the right strike.

Your eyes were stuck to the trio of die you had thrown. The cubes fumbled vigorously in an anxious matter, never halting to succumb their energy.

Then, the die lost their strength gradually, zest absorbed into the table desk. The rattle sounded, then ended as quickly as it came. The crowd was silent, staring at the final result.

"Yes!" you cheered, seeing two Attack Crests plastered onto the pieces. The slight alarmed expression blinking in his emerald eyes was obvious. Now you had the chance to win; you glanced at the one heart point belonging to each of you.

"Attack; (F/D/M)!" you commanded as you activated your Attack Crest. The imitation of your monster dealing the final blow initiated; Duke had lost.

The mild group gaped in speechless silence. Even you were slightly flustered you had emerged the winner in the final outcome. No movement passed, until Duke said,

"Well played, (Y/N)," he congratulated you with a grin. The handsome look in his expression forced a blush on you.

"Thanks," you muttered quietly. Then, Duke stood up from his chair, with a swift of his black hair, and walked beside you, closing off the views of the other girls.

"You're not half bad," he commented, smiling. Then, glancing backwards at the other girls, he returned his attention to you and pushed closer, just enough so the fans couldn't hear him. The unnatural radiation unnerved you, deepening the red painted on your cheek. "Wanna play again some time?" he wondered in a cool whisper.

You were not exactly expecting the response, perhaps updraft from the sudden temperature. Before replying an answer, you took the time to exchange glances from Duke, staring into his deeply striked eyes. Something about his personality was like a die, unpredictably difficult to understand, yet strangely enticing.

"Sure, let's play again tomorrow," the words fell from your mouth purposely. You smiled to yourself. Duke might've been hard to read, but so were you - and that's what made your relationship special.

"Meet back here at lunch tomorrow?" Duke questioned.

You grinned. "You bet".

°°°·.°·..·°¯°·._.· 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝔼𝕟𝕕 ·._.·°¯°·.·° .·°°° 

XxSilver_SwirlxX: That's it for today! We hope you enjoyed and have a great day/night!

Selene_Crescent: You need a better catchphrase than "have a great day/night"... it's getting repetitive...

XxSilver_SwirlxX: Would it be better if I said "Have a stunning day/night"?

Selene_Crescent: You hardly changed it!

XxSilver_SwirlxX: Have a fantastic day/night everyone!

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