What He Thinks of You

607 14 2

By: Selene_Crescent

This is a chapter just for fun!

Zexal Characters:


You're annoying sometimes, but he loves you just the same! He's too kind to push you away and he loves hugs, which you give him them every day. In sum, he loves you and your hugs!


Well... It's hard to tell, but Quattro loves you to utter pieces. Even though he brags to you a lot, he has a sweet side he only shows to you. He loves to tousle your hair, but the thing he likes most about you is how you shoot him down.


He likes your eyes, because it's unpredictable like the ocean. He seems to hate everything, even you, but don't get fooled! When he gets you alone, you'll see how sweet he can be.


He seems to only care about Hart, but inside, he cares about you, too, and will do anything to protect you from danger. Every second away from you seems to kill him. He loves your smile the best, it always seems to light up his day with your brightness.


Well, you found a way to wriggle into this insane person's heart, so take advantage of that. Vector will do anything for you, hates anyone who opposes you. Yandere much?


He has a cold demeanor, but he has feelings for you. He wants to win your heart, but doesn't know how (Seriously. Boys can be dense sometimes (NOT SEXIST OR ANYTHING!)). Maybe if you just show him a bit of love, he'll make a move. ;) good luck.


This energetic boy just wants your attention. When you smile, he stops what he's doing just to stare at you. He calls you his little rice ball and like to poke your nose a lot for no good reason.

Yugioh Arc-V:


He loves you more than his pendulum cards, and that's saying something. He likes your cheeks the best, they're soft, just what he likes! And when he kisses them, your face turns red and he can call you his tomato partner.


He has a terrible past so take care of Yuto well. He loves you from your glimmering eyes to your bright smile. Even in the darkest days, with you in them, they weren't as dark as when he was without you.


For some strange reason, he likes your hugs. They make every day better, somehow. Also, he likes it when you sing. Your voice is like a nightingale's, ringing like little chimes.


Even though he seems to hate everything and mock everyone, he has a little spark of warmth for you. He wants you for himself and would kill anyone that stands in his way without second thought. He's pretty much Yandere, too.


Well, he loves you more than Rin? Or maybe he likes you both the same. He loves your glittering eyes and how brightly they shine. He says if you two were in a dark hallway, your eyes could light the way... he gets nervous around you, and wants you. 

I could do more, if you guys want. Who am I missing? I don't really want to do any from the original series, sry. 

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