[{1}(Three Shot) Prince! Vector x F! Reader] Savior

390 2 7

By: Selene_Crescent

So, here's another chapter. We need requests! 

"Hey," (Y/N) whispered to her friend, (F/N).

"Yeah?" (F/N) asked. The duo were walking home from a school dance at night. (Y/N) spotted something in the depths of the shadows in the alleyway they were in.

"Is it just me, or does it feel like we're being watched?" she asked her friend.

"Just you, because I feel nothing, so it was probably nothing. Come on!" (F/N) was a few steps in front of (Y/N) now, but (Y/N) didn't budge, still staring at the blackness. Why do I feel like I'm being stalked?

"Yeah... it's nothing," (Y/N) took one last gander at the darkness and hurried after (F/N), already at the end of the alley.

They walked for a while longer. Abruptly, (Y/N)'s neck started to tingle. "You okay there? You look like you just saw a ghost!" (F/N) told her, cheerfully, which seemed to be the wrong mood in the situation. (Y/N) didn't reply, shivering slightly.

"You don't... feel it?" (Y/N) asked, shuddering.

"No, are you okay? Do you need to go to the doctor?" (F/N) asked, kindly.

"I'm fine. But do you not feel it? It's just... like someone's watching me, but then you can't feel it, so how is that possible?" (Y/N) wondered to herself.

"Don't sweat it. No one's watching us," (F/N) reassured.

"Not watching, because I felt it before. Do you think that whoever it is, is stalking me?" (Y/N) asked worriedly, still looking behind her at the dark forestry.

"Nope. Probably no--" A hand clamped over (Y/N)'s mouth, "--thing? (Y/N)? (Y/N), WHERE ARE YOU?" the sounds of midnight responded, faint hooting from far off owls, songs of the crickets below (F/N)'s feet. Silence surrounded (F/N). Suddenly, a small shriek disrupted the choir of the night.

"Stay still," (Y/N)'s captor ordered. "Don't make me take out my gun. Stay." (Y/N) couldn't see her captor's features, only the silhouette of his body against the faint glow of the glimmering stars and silvery moon above them. A rough hand pushed (Y/N) into a small box-like area; the haunting light of the moon was not enough to reveal the details of (Y/N)'s cell. (Y/N) couldn't speak. A tight rag was tied around her mouth. (Y/N) couldn't move. Her captor had somehow tied her arms up behind her.

"Father," a different masculine voice suddenly spoke. The shadow faltered for a fraction of a moment. (Y/N) strained her eyes to see who was speaking. What caused her hope to lift was how the voice didn't have the iciness of his father's. Compassion wove through his notes in his voice, while a drop of kindness was added into the passionate speaker.

"Yes?" the cold voice asked, a glacier to even his own son.

"You're being ignorant again. Think about the girl's friend. If you start riding away, wouldn't she see us? It'll be better if you waited until morning to do it, you could camouflage in the village. Not dead night when no one drives around," the other voice said, "Leave her here for a bit, and I'll watch her. Come back before dawn and we can drive away. Okay?" A pause. (Y/N) held her breath. Say 'yes', please, say 'yes'...

"Yes... yes, very wise. I'll be off then. See you at dawn." (Y/N) exhaled as the large silhouette retreated into the thick forestry. Just before he disappeared, (Y/N) caught a glimpse of flashing gold. The... king? Silence billowed around (Y/N) and her captor's son. The king's crashing steps grew fainter, and soon altogether disappeared. Once it did, the tension between the two snapped.

"What's your name?" the person asked, stepping into sight in front of (Y/N)'s only escape from her boxy prison. A click echoed through the night and a blinding flash lit up her slammer. When (Y/N)'s eyes adjusted, she looked down before she could see the person with a flashlight, murmuring through the cloth blanketing her mouth. "Oh right, my stupid father gagged and tied you up. Here," two, light, hands reached towards (Y/N)'s arms and softly untied them. Shocked, (Y/N) looked up at her savior. Purple eyes stared back at her, partially covered by orange hair. A black jacket rested over his shoulders. A small, shy, smile was plastered over his face. Black jeans covered his kneeling legs.

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