[Yuuto/Yuto/Ute x F! Reader] Repent and Relearn

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By: XxSilver_SwirlxX

XxSilver_SwirlxX: We're finally finished! I've been wanting to do this one-shot for a while now. 

Selene_Crescent: Moving on, this does include a few spoilers to Yugioh Arc-V Season 1, so I suggest watching it before reading this. But we're not going to tell you how to live your life, so feel free to read on if that's your thing

XxSilver_SwirlxX: That's it, and we hope you enjoy!


The Arc League Championship dome roared in delight. Streaks of blue painted the sky, dotted with white splatters. You stood by the entrance, spectating the duel with (E/C) eyes. It wasn't particularly interesting, but you weren't particularly focused either.

The stone in your heart still sat at rock bottom. How long had it been since you smiled? A week? Two weeks? A month, perhaps? That seemed accurate.

Your life was falling apart, but all anyone else could do was enjoy the show. You clenched a fist, glaring at the duelists.

You turned your back. (H/C) hair caught the wind.

The sunlight faded from your vision. The steady steps echoed through the entrance hall. The walls were a plain white, untainted and pure. So devoid of realization. You wanted to run away and forget everything, but that would only leave you a shell of your former self.

Afterall, you tried to remind yourself, you weren't alone. Your best friends, Yuto and Shay, shared your pain. They were all you had left, ever since the attack. They were your guiding light, and only hope.

Cheers from the crowd echoed through the corridor. They recalled why you were here.

It was forever since you saw a friendly match. You had wanted to recapture the laughter of your childhood, only to be met by a stern competition. The audience had jeered them on, but you saw the fragments shatter.

A flash of blue caught your eyes. Your heart stopped.

You knew that uniform. The azure blue lined with yellow lace. Your expression grew dark. You darted for them.

The person was alone. A mask concealed their features as they viewed the crowd from a cut in the entrance. Blurs of white flew past you. Your duel-disk activated, deck at the ready.

The Duel Academy student turned around in shock. "What's this? An XYZ summoner?" he mused lowly. "It's nice when the prey think they can outstand the predator," they smirked.

The student took stood to face you, and took out a Fusion duel-disk. You gritted your teeth. The weapon had taken away so many of your people. But this would be different. You, yourself would stand and fight. Then survive.

You navigated your surroundings. Your friends were out of sight, but so were his.

"Confidence doesn't come from nowhere," you counted the Fusion Duelist's insults. "And I'll be glad to teach you that. It's about time you listened in class"! He stepped back and growled.

"Let's duel!" the two of you announced.

Your hands were shaking as you drew your first card.

❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

You were backed up into a corner. A bead of sweat slipped. Your feet were planted firmly into the ground, but your life points were struggling. You glared at your opponent.

He was equally as exhausted, huffing viciously. You didn't know how much longer you could last. Just one more turn, you muttered to yourself, is all you needed.

Your heart pounded. You drew once more.

"I draw!" your murmurs were nothing but weak calls.

"(Y/N)!" a voice called. Your eyes flashed. A light shone in your dark.

Yuto dashed up to you, purple and black hair flouncing in the breeze. His expression was alarmingly concerned.

"Yuto!" you shouted out to him. He seemed relieved when he saw you. Then, Yuto noticed the Fusion Summoner.

"Are you ready to do this, (Y/N)?" he asked. You nodded. Yuto took out his duel-disk. He cut into the duel, losing half his life points.

You targeted bold eyes on your opponent. He stepped back in fear.

It only took a turn for you and Yuto to win the duel. Your life points sagged at a measly 100. You hazily moved to turn the Fusion user into a card.

"Wait!" Yuto exclaimed. He stepped in between you. You stared at him. "Turning him into a card won't do us any good," he tried to reason. "If we do, we're no better than them. Let's leave". You were hesitant. The chance was so close. Then you let go.

With Yuto, you turned and walked away. The Duel Academy student was left to gape in your dust.

"Thank you (Y/N)," Yuto said once you were out of earshot. "Tell me, are you okay?" he asked, the concern returning to his eyes.

You nodded. "I'm fine". Then, regrettably, you pulled out a card from your deck. "But I could've won that by myself," you told him. The card in your hand was Monster Reborn, which allowed you to revive a monster from your graveyard. Seeing how at the time your opponent only had 500 life points, anything could've easily beaten him.

Yuto seemed slightly shocked, then he softened. "I know," he replied. "I guess I was worried, that's all," he admitted. "After everything that happened, I was afraid I would lose you That would mean losing the world to me". You looked him in the eye, shades of (E/C) swirling in your orbs.

"T-thanks," was all you could mutter.

"Come here. I want to show you something," Yuto gently directed you to climb back to the exit. You let him.

"Yuto," you wanted to ask, biting your lip, "what you said back then... was that the only reason you didn't want to card that Fusion user?" you slowly asked. "It just seems, well, too kind. Especially after what..." your voice went weak, "what happened to Lulu".

Yuto was quiet, but he answered. "No, it's not just the only reason. (Y/N), I want this world to change," he softly told you. "So it can be better for all of us. Destroying each other won't stop anything, and it won't get Lulu back. What will is if we work together". You nodded in understanding. "We'll do it together. Just you, me, and Shay. What do you say?" he asked.

You tried to put on a smile. "Of course". You would do it. Together, you would change this world. You would do whatever it took to make your dreams a reality.

"I'm glad you understand," Yuto smiled. "Here, let me show you something". He led you to the end of the entrance.

The crowd was still cheering on the duelists as their monsters danced together. Their echoes were like melodies, inspiring the duelists. You had never seen this side of them before.

"If you look at it this way, they're supporting those duelists," Yuto showed you. You understood perfectly. "Just like you support me, I'll be there for you," Yuto's smile lit up your world. His eyes were the gentlest grey. You beamed with him.

You would stand strong with Yuto to create change in this blooming world. You would stay by each other's side, forever. Until the very end.

"Thank you," you smiled. "Yuto".

°°°·.°·..·°¯°·._.· 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝔼𝕟𝕕 ·._.·°¯°·.·° .·°°° 

XxSilver_SwirlxX: Thank you so much for reading, and we hope you are having a joyous day/night!

Selene_Crescent: Are you going to change your catchphrase anytime soon? It really sounds like you're running out of words. You've been saying the same few words the entire book

XxSilver_SwirlxX: ...maybe. But for the mean time, have a miraculous day/night!

Selene_Crescent: See you!

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