[(BACK TO SCHOOL SPECIAL) (Any Character) x F! Reader] Learning Love

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By: XxSilver_SwirlxX

XxSilver_SwirlxX: School is starting again! We know a lot of people are going back to school, so we've put together another special chapter! Basically, in this one-shot, you get to choose your own story

Selene_Crescent: There are 4 endings. We also added some terms listed below:

(C/N) = Crush Name

(Y/G) = Your Grade

XxSilver_SwirlxX: Moving onwards, we really want to thank you all for staying with us for an entire Summer Break!

Selene_Crescent: Especially since we literally added 5 chapters this summer, including this. And one of them was not a one-shot. Anyways, nobody wants to read this A/N, so enjoy the one-shot!

P.S. You guys better not be reading this at school! If you are, please continue studying!

(WARNING: WE DO NOT RECOMMEND USING ANY OF THESE IDEAS AS A WAY TO GET A LOVER!!! It is a place where you learn educational things. Seriously, we mean it!)


Wind caressed your (H/C) hair. A (F/C) backpack sat on your back, jumping to the beat of your footsteps. The fresh smell of nature's breeze had alluded you for some time now, but was now carried within the sky. You could feel the warm sunshine radiate on your skin.

The pavement was hard. You walked across it loosely. Your eyes glanced forwards and you gasped at the sight.

(Proceed to 🏫school🏫 emojis to walk to school, and bus emojis to take the 🚌bus🚌)

🏫Walking to School🏫

The schoolhouse towered in your vision. It seemed more unnerving than the last time you had seen it. Students were flooding into the building.

The bells chimed. You found your courage and followed them.

The hallways were filled with corridors and wandering people. Teachers were havockly shouting directions at them.

"All (Y/G)s! Go to room 296!" a teacher shouted your grade. "Bring all of your supplies!" they added.

You tried to navigate the school. It seemed like forever since you had last been here. You could recognize most of the students, but there were a few new ones.

It didn't take long to find your homeroom. The door already hung ajar. You peered inside the room. Students were fooling around and yelling at each as expected. You took a seat next to a person you didn't know with (H/C) hair.

"Hi," you began. "I'm (Y/N), who are you?" you asked them. They looked at you with bright (E/C) eyes.

"Hello (Y/N)," they replied. "You have a pretty name. I'm (C/N)," they told you with a smile. You grinned. You were about to continue, when a voice interrupted you.

"Welcome back from summer break class!" a teacher walked in. "But now it's time we get back to learning. We'll start by learning your locker numbers and touring the school," the teacher informed. "Everyone stand up! We will start by visiting the lockers".

You rose from your chair. The rest of the class was already leaving. Your supplies spilled.

"Oh!" you exclaimed. Your binder lay beside several coloured pencils. You crouched down to pick them up.

"Here, I think this is yours," (C/N) handed you a standard pencil.

You gratefully nodded. "Thanks," you replied and stuffed it back into your bag. They helped you clean up the rest of your materials.

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