OC Requests Open!!!

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Selene_Crescent: Yes, you read the title, we're opening requests for OCs!

XxSilver_SwirlxX: If you aren't aware, an OC is an abbreviation for "Original Character", which is a character used often in role plays, fanfictions, and original stories. An OC is generally an inserted character who is created by a writer or a fan of a particular fandom, usually as a character to represent the creator. A heavily disliked OC trope consists of Mary Sue, which is a practically perfect character in the fictional realm. In this requesting section, we would like to avoid contact of any Mary Sue characters

Selene_Crescent: ...wat? Translation for people who don't understand formal: an OC is a character made by you. Done. See how easy that was? Oh, and people don't like Mary Sues, because they're too perfect and have -10000000 flaws. So we don't want to write about them

XxSilver_SwirlxX: Moving onwards, we are allowing requests for OCs made by you to take place in the one-shots. So instead of an 'x reader' using "(Y/N)", a character with your OC's personality, features, and name gets shown into the fanfiction. We're opening this option for people who want a better connection with their favorite characters

Selene_Crescent: Okay, WHAT, did you just say? I think it means we're doing requests for OCs, and you just restated that the entire message. So that's what I'm going off of. Anyways, to get your OC featured in a special chapter, just fill in the form below, and tell us the anime character you want. Anything in brackets is optional, and may or may not be used. Also, if you have an OC book, you could give us a link to it, and not fill in this. LOVE INTEREST IS STILL NECESSARY THOUGH!

Love Interest: (THIS IS NECESSARY!!!)

Name: (We also need this!)



Eye Colour: (This is helpful. So please help. You can skip this, Hair Colour, and Important Appearances by giving us an image to what your OC looks like)

Hair Colour:

(Important Appearances:)

(Dueling Deck:) Note: We will not write every turn of a duel if this is included









XxSilver_SwirlxX: Below is an example of a Mary Sue character(what we do not want to write about):

(Please do not take this seriously!)

Love Interest: Yugi, Yami, Marik, Bakura, Jaden, Bastian, Chazz, Zane, Yusei, Crow, Jack, Quattro, Trey, Quinton, Kite, Vector, Yuma, Astral, Girag, Yuya, Yuto, Yugo, Yuri, Gong, Yusaku, and Ignis!!!

(XxSilver_SwirlxX: We will only accept ONE love interest. If a request has more than one, we will write for the name listed first)

Name: Scarlet Moonstone Rylia Angelexa Aysel Heavens Evelyn Nyghtswing Felicia Ceotara Sunshiney Rainbow Fracture Brightyx Darko Everdarkness Twilight Shade

(Selene_Crescent: Please do not give us a hundred names! We do not want to know every name you've ever come up with! All we need is a first name. Last names/surnames are optional, as well as middle names. (We are not saying those names are Mary Sue names. Half of them were names we used for unpublished stories, which keep in mind we are NOT posting ever, and the other half was random last names. We meant if you put ALL of them together, then it's pretty Mary Sue. WE DO NOT WANT OVERWHELMING NAMES!))

Age: over 9000, but looks 4

Gender: Female (we do not have an issue with female characters, feel free to use one)

Eye Colour: Changes the colours of the rainbow depending on her mood!

Hair Colour: Can shift colours whenever she wants them to! But she can never make herself look bad, because she has a curse of beauty

Important Appearances: Super pretty, puffy lips, extremely long hair that touches the floor but she will never trip because she's careful, always wears super dark black edgy clothing because she doesn't want to be noticed, wears a poofy ball gown whenever she goes to a teenage party because she wants to make all the boys fall head-over-heels for her

Friends: Everybody, and can even charm the most Tsundere characters ever! Nobody hates her!

Talents: Athletic, smart, cunning, pretty, music, drawing, writing, every subject in school, but the teachers hate her because they think she's cheating! But then they like her in a way because she's so charming and pretty! She also wins every card game she's ever played and became world champion of Duel Monsters, but nobody ever notices her

Personality: Very nice cause everyone likes her, but if you mess with her, you are (insert number older than her age) percent dead! Also very outgoing, she always attends social events and parties 24/7!

Flaws: She's too shy to talk to people. She's also really scared of everything

Fears/Phobias: NONE, because she's super brave and daring!

Likes: Everything!

Dislikes: Nothing! Except bullies, because she will 1 hit kill them if one dares to fight her!

Other: She's half demon and half vampire, but she's always kind and caring to everyone. She doesn't want to be mean, so instead, she uses her demon/vampire powers to bully the mean guys! If she feels the slightest bit offended, she will kill everyone in a 20 mile radius with dark acid hope powers of fiery flower watery doom, and finish it with a lightning rock strike! Did I mention she's half angel? And she's also super weak, because every human is stronger than her.

Selene_Crescent: Yeah... DON'T send us that

XxSilver_SwirlxX: Please, try to not contradict yourself. We could write much better stories, for more thought out OCs. Having a character who is a different species than human is acceptable, as well as the age section. We will include any fantasy elements an OC has, as well as--

Selene_Crescent: I'll start translating. We do NOT like it when OCs say they are super outgoing, then the next few sentences say they hate company. So don't do that. We're okay if you want your OC to have fantasy parts, like they're a fairy, or they have magic, (if you do include that, it helps us when you tell us what a fairy can do, or what the magic powers can do. DO NOT WRITE ESSAY. PLEASE.) It's okay to have some of the same things as the character we wrote above, because we just stuck whatever came up in our minds on the paper, and said BLAM, we're done! Now write us a Girag x Scarlet, Selene and Silver!

XxSilver_SwirlxX: ...it's not a paper! This is digital media! Also, why was Girag the only character you noticed?

Selene_Crescent: ... shut up (ignis) Silver! (Yes, we're friends) Okay, I think we wrote more than most of our one-shots for this A/N, so signing out now! All requests are open, including this! (no really, pls request, we are bored)

XxSilver_SwirlxX: Until next time!

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