[Mariku/Marik x F! Reader] In the Wings of Ra

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By: XxSilver_SwirlxX

XxSilver_SwirlxX: This is the third one-shot to our Aluminum Countdown Challenge!

Selene_Crescent: It's ANIMEllenium!

XxSilver_SwirlxX: For story reference, 22 degrees in celsius is estimated around 72 degrees in fahrenheit. Enjoy!


The blazing sunlight blistered like a golden flame. Sprinkles of sand dusted the desert ground. Even worse, was the scorching degrees of heat radiating around you. Your vision became blurred by the smolder.

"Why is it so hot here?" you complained, stepping downside the stairs of the airplane, alongside your Egyptian boyfriend.

"We're under a ceiling, you know?" Marik replied in question, cocking his head towards the obvious airport's roof. "And it's almost night?" he continued. Wondering whether Marik even noticed the temperature changes, you glanced around the room.

Several people were scurrying around busily, taking no notice of anyone but themselves. The far windows on the opposite side of the port allowed you the slightest glimpse of a settling sun.

Deciding to ignore the question, you irritably searched around for your suitcases. Other packages of luggage were streaming thriftily on the airport's conveyor without a care in the world. You scanned the belt with sharp and humid eyes. The (F/C) cases came close into your vision.

Noticing your suitcase with timed unison, Marik stepped forwards with you to help. With some difficulty, you and Marik were able to lift the heavily packed baggaging, straining to release all the carriages from the conveyor. You gave him a grateful smile; he returned it with a hearted grin.

Only a few days ago, you had agreed to travel to Egypt with the tanned male. The two of you had excitedly planned, deciding to stay for a single week before returning to Domino City. You had previously taken in accord of the melting heat, but you never realized 22 degrees in celsius could be so sweltering.

"(Y/N), Marik, are you two ready to go yet?" a kind female voice questioned behind you. You swung your sweating head around to see Ishizu, Marik's older sister, who had come along for the trip.

"Yeah," you and Marik replied in unison, then smiled at each other.

"Then let's go," Odion grinned.

❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

Your (H/C) hair blew effortlessly into the coming breeze. You shifted slightly from the backseat on the motorcycle you were riding with Marik as the driver. The fresh winds were like a new breath of relief.

"Where are we going?" you asked Marik, hardly hearable through the rumbling motors.

"Just wait," Marik smiled in response. A rising twilight was starting to overtake the beaming sun. The temperature dropped by the slightest levels, allowing you to see clearly the few skied white speckles.

Ishizu and Odion had stayed behind to unpack while allowing you to take a tour around Egypt with Marik, seeing as you had never been there before. As far as your sight could see, the desert was plain sand for miles.

The motorcycle kicked up grains of gold trailing behind you. Fiery blazes of flame consumed the sunsetted sky.

Secretly, you had to admit that behind the heat, Egypt was a visionary heaven. The sights of scorched sand flowed with the rising horizon, the sun god's, Ra, influence clear in the evening.

Cooler blurs of wind lifted your (H/L) strands into the breeze. The joy of being alone with your boyfriend dawned on you, sightseeing the stunning scenery with no one else around.

Just then, your heart skipped a sudden beat. Your breaths came in unbelievable gasps, shocked by the sandy tip now rising in the distance. A pyramid towered below the sun.

Sensing your shock, Marik turned his head to see your expression, "We're almost there," he told you softly. Time passed slowly, giving you time to regain your footing and admire the falling skylight. Maybe this trip won't be so bad afterall, you figured, starting to believe the escalating climates would be worth the visit.

Marik slowed the motorcycle with a gradual pace, until it came to a halt. He stepped off and took his helmet off, letting the beige hair cascade down his shoulders. Giving you a grin, Marik held out his hand,

"You coming?" he asked. You were in a state of shock, before recovering with a happy tone.

"You bet," you took his hand under the growing midnight. He led you closer to the sandy, ancient structure. The desert blocks brushed lightly against your gentle touch. With the sun falling below the skyline, the heat lessened its heated grasp on you.

You took a seat alongside Marik on the pyramid's ridge. Just slightly, you could see he was shifting closer to you. Your shoulders connected, giving you a nervous blush.

"Look! The sun's almost down now!" Marik pointed excitedly at the fiery ball of heat, now just a sliver in the horizon. You smiled with a warm note. Silence crossed your paths, leaving you motionless against the falling light. You waited for something, just anything, to happen.

"Hey (Y/N)?" Marik ceased the quiet.

"Yes Marik?" you replied in turn. He seemed perturbed by the moment. The golden setting lit the crimson blush on his cheeks.

"I know you're not exactly enjoying this trip but-"

You cut him off, "What do you mean? I'm loving it," you told him genuinely, cocking your head to the crystalline sunset. "Just like I love you". Marik smiled, happiness glistening in his violet eyes.

"I love you too, (Y/N)," he planted a warm kiss on your cheek in passion. The burning flame of sunlight gave one last shimmer before sinking into the night, consuming you into the glorious wings of Ra.

°°°·.°·..·°¯°·._.· 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝔼𝕟𝕕 ·._.·°¯°·.·° .·°°° 

XxSilver_SwirlxX: That's all for today everyone! Have a spectacular day/night!

Selene_Crescent: Change your catchphrase!

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