Chapter 1: The Library (Part 1)

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Eddie's POV

I wake up to light shining in my eyes. It's Sunday, and the sun is bright out today. I usually don't like Sundays because all the Losers are forced to go to church with their families while I'm left to stay home with my mom.

I lazily watched the clock until it finally hit 12. It feels like I haven't seen Richie in so long but it's barely been 12 hours. I pack my inhaler and pills in my bag and made my way down the stairs. I slowly creeped around hoping not to wake mommy. I waited on the last step and slowly poked my head over the side of the wall and see her seated in her chair, with her eyes wide open. I know there's no way to sneak out so I quickly think of an excuse. I instantly had the perfect idea. I took a deep breath and got off of the last step and turned towards her.

"Good morning mommy" I said, pushing the words out.
"Did you take your medication yet?" She says sounding annoyed.
"Yeah, but I just ran out. Can I go pick up more?" I lied.
She rolled her eyes and stared me down, and for that moment I was terrified she could see right through my words. "Get out." She demanded and I ran out the door with a secret smirk on my face.

I can't wait to see Richie. Of course the other Losers too but Richie more than any of them.
I don't know why but I feel like he cares about me more than any of them. They all have their favorites except me, Mike, and Richie. Ben is obsessed with Bev, and she favors Bill and he favors Stan. They're all practically connected some way in their little chain like system, as the rest of us just watch them all attempt to flirt.

I was at the library's entrance when I saw that only Bill was there. I debated on going in or not, and eventually decided to go. As I walked in I heard a voice.
"Hi Eddie"

My heart raced thinking it was Richie, and I instantly spun around in anticipation, only to find that it was not in fact the boy I had presumed it to be, but Ben instead.

"Hey" I said a bit disappointed.
"Are you ok?" Ben asked confused.
"Yeah, I just thought you were... Richie"

I avoided eye contact with him and looked down at the floor, dragging my feet across the ground. I went over to Bill and Ben followed.
"H-Hey guys" Bill exclaimed full of energy.
"Hey" I said trying to stay positive but I was still no where near Bill's level of enthusiasm. I sat on the hard wooden chair and immediately asked Bill, "Is Richie coming?"
"Yeah, h-he said he'll be h-here l-late though"
"Why?!" I asked anxiously.
"I-I do-on't k-know!" Bill says quickly with a confused and scared look on his face staring at me from my outburst. Ben who was quietly reading to himself turned his head over to me.
"Sorry" I say quickly before he asks anything.
"I'm just worried about him." I said trying to hold back a blush I felt coming, I saw them staring even more and made up an excuse.
"I think I need my pump"

I slid out of my chair and paced over to the bathroom. I opened the heavy, squeaky door, then slammed and locked it. I just stared into the mirror. Why was I being so aggressive? Was it Richie or the Losers? I leaned my forehead on the glass and let out a deep breath. All this time I've been trying to hide it but I knew I loved Richie. I never knew why. He would call me names and push me around but I guess I liked that. I hope that was him loving me back.

I walked into a stall and sat on the toilet lid, just thinking. What would I do? What would the Losers say? After sitting for about five minutes thinking I got up and told myself the only way out was to tell him the truth. I turned the sink on for a couple of seconds just in case they were listening and walked out of the dimly lighted bathroom and squinted into the bright light through the windows. I walked towards the table where Bill and Ben were still sitting.

Now they were talking about something in my absence and I stopped behind a bookshelf and peeked over. Through the window I could see Richie's bike in the parking lot. My heart skipped a beat and I quickly looked around the library to make sure he wasn't with me and didn't see him. I scanned the parking lot and saw him on the other side of the parking lot with a girl. I started to walk over thinking about him and I couldn't help smiling. I was 2 tables away from Bill and the others when I looked back at Richie, the girl slowly leaning into his face and I saw their lips slowly touch. My heart instantly started pounding. I looked around the library but tears were blurring my eyes and I got dizzy. I slowly started stepping back. I saw Richie and the girl walking into the library. My head was rushing with what to do, I slowly went to hide behind the bookshelf from before, and just hid there and waited. I heard the door close.

"Richie!!" Bill called loudly.
I poked my head out and saw them all sitting together. I saw Richie sliding his hand over to that girl. At that point I felt my face burning with tears and my throat closing up. I turned around and slowly started walking to the back door, and I started speeding up. I knocked over a chair, but I didn't care. I just kept on running. I pushed as hard as possible against the door and it flew all the back and slammed the wall.

I looked around for my bike but I couldn't find it. My head wouldn't stop racing, I kept dragging my feet all around the lot looking for my bike which was hard to do while sobbing. I realized I still didn't even take out my inhaler. I took a few more deep breaths to try and calm down and stop myself from crying. I whipped out my inhaler and breathed into it, in then out, over and over. My head was still pounding and my cheeks were wet with tears. I was looking around for a couple of seconds when I spotted my bike. I ran over to it and slid onto the seat. I took a second to balance and just started pedaling I didn't know where I was going but I knew it was nowhere near Richie.

I started to sob again and my bike started spinning out of control. I let myself fall and just laid on the cold wet grass and let my tears pour down. I never thought this much pain could be possible until today. My throat started closing again from riding the bike and sobbing but I didn't care...
All I could think about was Richie.

I hope you guys enjoyed this story. If you see legit even 1 mistake or aren't sure still comment I'll take advice from anyone.

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