Chapter 26: The Last Carnival

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Richie's POV:
There's a bit of a time jump.

"Ed's please! This is the last one til next year."
"You know I hate the spinny rides. They make me all dizzy." he says behind the bathroom door.
"You won't have to go on any rides." I beg him as he comes out the bathroom with a towel around his waist, he searches through a drawer and pulls out his clothes.
He rolls his eyes then answers,
I jump up off the bed and throw my arms around him.
"Yay!" I screech while kissing him in the lips.
I pull away and push my glasses back up my nose. I look down at him and see him with an adorable smile.
"Go get dressed." I say before kissing the top of his head.
He starts to wobble to the bathroom before I spank him making him turn around instantly and burst out laughing.
"Hurry." I say pushing him into the bathroom still laughing.


Eddie's POV:

As we walk through the entrances to the carnival I feel my stomach drop and instantly regret agreeing to this. Shit. How did Richie talk me into this? I squeeze Richie's hand as we pass the free fall machine. I stare up into the sky as Richie asks,
"Okay lets go on this one." he says looking down at me making my whole body shiver.
"Wah?! No!" I say pulling away from his body.
"I'm kidding." he says chuckling. "Let's wait for the Losers here though."
I nod and snuggle in his arm causing eyes to turn to us. Every 30 seconds we would hear someone scoffing and cursing us under there breath as they passed by us but I ignore it.

"What's taking them so long." Richie complains.
He pulls out his phone and I watch him scroll through contacts with squinty eyes and for a split second I see a heart emoji sliding up and I stop him.
"Wait, go back up." I say with my eyes wide open.
He slowly scrolls up until I stop him.
"Who's this?" I say raising my voice as I point my finger at 'Baby Boy ❤️😍😘💕🤪'.
"You." he says smirking, he taps the contact showing me the number proving it was actually me.
"Ohh." I say blushing.
He looks down at me and we stare at each other until I hear Bev behind me saying,
"Hey Trashmouth."
I snap out of my zone and turn to see all the Losers except Stan standing behind me.
"Jesus fucking christ, finally, how long does it take for a slut to find her way here?"
"Shut it Tozier." she says with a smirk.
"Where's Stan the Man?" Richie asks turning to Bill.
"Sick." Bill says looking down at he ground.
Richie shrugs and points up to the tall ride.
"Let's get on this one first!"
Excited all the others start cheering and lining up, Richie tries to join them but I yank his arm,
"Richie, don't go on that. It's dangerous." I say with worry in my voice.
"Don't worry, I'll be fine." he says chuckling.
He kisses me on the cheek and runs into the line with the others.

I feel someone tap me from behind so i turn around and see Stan behind me with a scarf over his face.
"I thought you were sick." I say surprised.
"I am, I felt bad for ditching on Bill though." he says looking away from me.
"Oh, ok. We'll go hurry up there in line." I say pointing to the line.
Stan runs over into the line and scares Bill from behind. I chuckle as I see Bill hop around screaming in terror. I watch Stan and Bill hug then walk up to the ride sitting together. I turn my eyes over back to Richie and see him sitting with Noah and Bev.

I watch anxiously as the monitor straps Richie in. I hear an engine stutter as the machine rises Richie up so high I can barely see his body shape. I wait for the machine to drop, as I dig my nails into my sweater. The machine finally squeals and sends them down with bumpy stops raising them and dropping over and over until it finally brings them down back to the ground. They all hop of the seats laughing and smiling, they stumble back over to me, Richie ahead of all of them. I rush to him and hug him tightly.
"See, I told you I would be ok." he says with a perky smile.
I roll my eyes at him as we follow the other Losers walking towards several other rides.


Richie's POV:

It's bullshit. Eddie's just shitting me. I know the only reason he came to this fucking carnival is because he's trying to make me feel better because of the whole foster family thing. I smile through the shitty thoughts and just try to enjoy the night with him knowing this will be the last. We all walk toward the ferris wheel in the center of the whole carnival, I feel Eddie's head leaning on my shoulder as we stop infront of the swinging gate.
"You ready to get on?" I ask looking down at Eddie.
He looks back up at me with terror in his eyes saying,
"What?! No!"
"Eddie it's just a ferris whe-"
"No it's not just a 'ferris wheel', it goes up so high! What if I fall Richie?!" he almost yell panicking.
"Eddie, please, for me." I say in a soft voice.
He rolls his eyes and falls into my arms.

We all approach the Ferris wheel in pairs, Bill and Stan, Mike and Ben, Bev and Noah, and me and Eddie. We step on to the crate and I feel Eddie grabbing my body as the crate swings when we sit. I see his hands shaking so I grab one of them and press it on his thigh.
"It's gonna be okay Ed's." I say chuckling.
He looks up at me with fear in his eyes and nods. I feel him lay his head on my shoulder so I wrap my arm around him and lay my head on his. Our crate starts to rise up making Eddie shiver out of terror but then I pull him closer to me.
"You're okay Ed's." I say kissing the top of his head.
After a couple of seconds he says,
"I'm ok now."
He relaxes his body then I start to pull my arm away.
"Don't let go." Eddie says grabbing my arm and pulling it back on to him.
"Why?" I ask confused.
"I want you to hold me." he says blushing.
"Oh... ok." I say as he leans back onto my shoulder.
The crate rises to the top and we both look up at the sky amazed.
"Eddie." I say with a shaky voice.
"I love you." I say with a slight smile.
I hear him let a gentle chuckle out then look up at me.
"I love you too." he says before I lean in and kiss his lips.

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