Chapter 15: Slut Richie?

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Richie's POV

The rain finally stops and the Losers start to leave with too. First Ben and Mike leave then Bill says,
"I should probably g-get going." he starts to get up when Stan says,
"I'll walk you out." Bill blushes and smiles as they walk out together.
I look down at Eddie who's still in my arms but is now asleep.
"You guys are staying over right?"
"Yeah if that's good with you."
"Yea it's cool, me and Stan planned a sleepover today anyways."
"Oh, okay, cool." I say remembering what had happened just earlier today.
She walks into the other room and comes back seconds later with blankets and pillows in her arms.
"Why did you come to your mom if she's like never home?"
There's a silence for a couple of seconds,
"I don't know I mean, it's better to be without her and rich then with my dad broke and having to deal with his drinking."
"Yeah I get that."
She looks over at Eddie sleeping and whispers,
"Did you guys talk about what happened yet?"
"Yea in the car."
"How did it go?"
"Really good actually, I let everything out, and you know, like told him how I feel."
She smiles and says,
"Cool." and goes back into an other room.

I hear the front door opening and peak over, Stan walks into the living room with a little smile.
"What's up with that evil little smirk on your face?" I say giggling. "Did you and Bill get kinky yet."
"What?! No! Shut up!" he says blushing so hard.
"Oh I see never kiss a boy and tell eh?" I say laughing now.
He rolls his eyes annoyed but with a smile on his face and picks up one of the blankets from the pile.
"Could you pass me one?" I ask pointing at a big red blanket. "I don't want to wake him up."
"Oh yeah sure." he says picking up the blanket.
He walks about two feet closer and tosses it to me, it lands on my knees and I lean forward slowly trying not to wake Eddie.

I grab it and wrap it over me and Eddie, and I feel him cuddle closer to me. I think about how much I love as I stare down at his cute little face. I lean down and kiss his tiny nose, and he wiggles around still sleeping. I start to get tired so I slowly move out of my sitting position and lay down with Eddie still on top of me. I finally get my whole body comfortable but then Eddie wiggles around again and lays his head right on my face. I keep moving around trying to get comfortable but nothing works so I go to bed with my arms wrapped around Eddie and his head on my chest.

Eddie's POV

"Eddie Bear." I hear Richie whispering.
"Mmm?" I moan still tired.
"We're gonna go back to my house." I hear him saying as he gets closer to me and wraps his arms around me again.
I open my eyes and see him in the same clothes from last night but dried. He's laying on me when I say,
"Buh why?"
"I want to be at my house to change for school in the morning."
"Mmmm okay." I say still laying down.
I hear him picking up his keys and opening the door. I hear him walking back towards me and all of a sudden I feel him picking me up off of the couch.
"Richie, no." I say panicking and moving around at first, but then I see he can handle it so I lay back into his arms.
"Jesus you're fucking heavy... guess you get it from your mom." he says laughing at his own joke.
"Shut up, you're just weak." I say as we pass Bev's little wooden table.
"Wow damn Ed's... being a bad boy? I see how it is, guess I better spank you when we get home." he says laughing as he drags me out the door.
"I would love that daddy."
I hear Eddie gasping,
"I wish you were always this horny."
"I am just not for you." I say giggling.
"Wow Eddie Spaghetti do you just let anyone have that little noodle of yours?"
"Yea proba-" I feel rain dripping all over my face. "Ehhmmm... I'm getting wet!"
He giggles and says,
"Really, I haven't even taken out my wiener yet."
"Shut up." I say chuckling.
He keeps giggling and slowly walking to the car.
"Hurry up. I'm gonna get soaked again."
"I'm trying but you're heavy."
"Are we almost there?"
"Can't you see?" he says confused.
"No it's too dark and plus I'm too lazy."

I feel him start to lift me a little higher.
"Are we there?"
"Yea, try to pick yourself up a little."
I put one leg on the floor and carry myself a bit as he slides my body into the car face down.
I stretch out onto the long seat.
"Good job Rich." I say smiling.
I feel him spank my ass and he starts laughing.
"Not til we get home daddy." I say laughing too.
He shuts the door and gets in the front. I hear him start the car and he starts driving. After a while of silence I feel myself falling back asleep again.


I start to feel the warmth of the sun through my eyelids and try to wake up but I'm still too tired so I roll around in Richie's bed and flip the pillow over to the cold side. I hear him walk in the room and I look over to see him looking inside his closet with just a towel around his waist. I slowly get up and sneak up behind him,
"You look hot!" I whisper loudly on his neck and I grab his shoulders scaring him.
He instantly turns around terrified, then he sees my face and sighs of relief,
"Holy fuck I thought you were still sleeping." he says laughing but impressed.
He leans into my face and pecks my lips and pulls back but I push forward wanting more. I push him against the wall and rub my hands in his shoulders and slide over to his back. He starts to push back and he puts one hand on the back of my head and his other under my ass and he picks me up. He walks over to the bed with me in his hands and throws himself on the bed with me over him. I keep kissing him and I take one hand off of his back and put it in his knee instead.

I slowly slide my hand up his naked leg til my hand is inside his towel and on the top of his thigh. He pulls away from our kiss for a breath then picks me up and flips me down under him and slams me into the bed saying,
"I call top." I start laughing and press into our kiss again. He pulls off my shirt but doesn't take it off my head because we're busy kissing. I put my hands on his chest and push him off for a second to take my shirt off all the way. I pull it over my head and throw my shirt across the room. I rub my hands all over his chest when I see blue on the bottom of his neck.

He keeps pushing into kiss me but I push him off of me trying to talk.
"Richie stop!"
Confused he asks,
"What happened to there." I say putting my finger over his collar bone.
His lips quiver but he doesn't say anything.
"Richie, who gave that to you?"
"The day you left me and Stan went to smoke pot, then we lost control a little."
"Did you guys? Like... never mind."
"No we didn't Eddie, I swear."
"Okay... you should probably go to school now." I say as I get out from under him and walk into his bathroom trying to hold back my tears.

I sit on the toilet seat and grab a towel to cry into so he won't hear me. After a few minutes of crying in the bathroom I hear Richie knock on the door.
"Um... Ed's are you gonna come to school today?"
I take a deep breath and clear my throat so he can't tell I was crying when I say,
"I can't... my mom."
"Oh... yea, yeah I forgot."
After awhile I hear him walking back to the door and say,
"I'm gonna go now Eddie Bear."
I slowly get up and walk towards the door and place my hand on the knob but hesitate to open it. I quickly wipe my face one more time then slowly unlock the door and open it revealing Richie walking out the room all dressed. He turns around as he hears the door creak when it continues to open.

He looks at my eyes but then looks down at the ground.
He opens his mouth to talk but nothing comes out at first, then I hear him say,
"I have to go now."
"I know." I say not looking him in the eyes.
"I could stay, but, I think we'll just fight."
"I mean I still could st-"
"It's okay."
We stand there in silence for almost ten seconds til he says,
"I should probably leave now."
"Bye." I say with a shaky voice.
He stays still then turns around to go out the door.
"Richie." I not even knowing what I was going to say.
"Yea." he says turning to me with teary eyes.
"I think you should stay... and we should just fight."
"Are you sure?"
Yea... unless, you don't wa-"
"No I want to." he says cutting me off.
He slowly walks closer to me and I stretch my arm out offering my hand and he grabs it.
We sit down together on the bed and I lay my head on his shoulder and we fight.

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