Chapter 16: New Girl

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Richie's POV
A week after their love fight.

In the morning the Losers were all happy about the news of a new kid coming to town, I was especially happy though because I found out she was going to be in all my classes. I couldn't wait to find out what she would be like, I hoped she wouldn't be a dick like most the people in our school, but chance are she will be. As we all walked to school together (except Mike cause like school) we talk about what he want her to be like,
"I hope she's hot." Stan said as Bill gave him the most evil glare. "Not for me of course." he said blushing.
"Why not?" Ben asked still not knowing Stan was gay for Bill.
"I have my eyes on someone else." he said blushing as he held pinkies with Bill.
"Well I just hope she isn't a whore like Greta." Bev says with an attitude.
"Hey watch it, I dated her." I say jokingly.
"Exactly she's a whore, she fucked you for the money." she says laughing.
The others laugh along as we get closer to the school.

Silence entered our conversation as we approached the doors of the school, we all stop at the doors as if we don't know what to do until Bev has the balls to walk forward and opens the doors for us all. We all walk in hoping that the new girl will be exactly what we want. Once we get in the school we start to split up and go into our classes. Me and Bev walk together to first period and we stay silent the whole way there until we get to the classroom door.
"You ready?"
"Yea." I say lying.
I prepare myself for disappointment as we enter the classroom. The second we walk in I scan the room looking for any unfamiliar chicks but can't find any. I scan the classroom again checking every girl I see still with no success.
"Did you find her yet?" Bev asks while still scanning the room.
"She's probably not here yet." she says as she walks over to our usual corner.
I follow her over still destined to find the new girl searching the room over and over again but I don't see any new girl.

"You're probably right." I say to Bev who is now resting her head in her arms on top of the table.
I lay my head but then turn back to Bev to say something, but get distracted by someone sitting four seats away from her.
"Bev... the new girl is a boy." I say pointing to a boy wearing makeup with hazel brown hair and eyes. I scan his body and see him in an orange sweater and white jeans.
"Is he wearing mak-"
"Lets go say hi." I say getting up still staring at him.
"Yea... okay."

We slowly walk over to his seat and I say,
"Hi, I'm Richie... I... uh like your makeup; n-not in like a sarcastic way. I just uh yea, it l-looks good."
Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!
"I'm Nei-... I'm Noah." he says chuckling with a smile. "And thanks."
I nod staring at his very light glittery orange eye shadow.
"I'm Bev." I see her snickering as she says,
"Sorry about Richie, he gets weird around people he doesn't know."
Noah giggles and opens his mouth to speak, but I interrupt saying,
"Do you want to hang out with us later?"
"Um yea, I have to check with my moms but that seems fun." he says smiling.
"Cool... I'll show you our other friends next class."
"Okay." he says looking into my eyes.
"Oh you're in all my classes, so I'll help you around."
"Cool." he says blushing a little.
The teacher walks in and says,
"Everyone take a seat."

He waves at us as me and Bev walk back to our seats, but I pause,
"Do you want to sit with us?"
He stammers but then says,
"Yea sure." He picks his binder as I sit across from Bev and pull out a chair next to me.
Bev whispers to me,
"Do you like him?"
"Yea he's cool." I say watching him bundling his books.
"No like in a kinky way?!" she says whispering louder.
I instantly turn over to her. "No!"
"Good cause he's all mine." she says smiling full of herself.
"I think he's gay, and, plus you have Ben."
"So, and, me and Ben aren't dating yet. Plus you have Eddie."
"I know, I don't like him!" I say getting defensive but then quick as he comes over and sits next to me.
I give him a welcoming smile and he smirks back. I look over to Bev who is now staring at the side of his head in awe.
"Everyone we have a new student here today." the teacher says still looking around the class trying to find who he thought was a girl. "Um I can't find her, probably late, but, her name is-"
"I'm here!" Noah says interrupting him. He waves his hand at the teacher and the teacher stares at him confused then at his paper.
"Oh the paper said you were a girl." he says still confused.
"Yea it's wrong."
"Oh okay... so Nei-"
"My name is Noah."
"Oh... the paper says-"
"Yea I know, the paper is wrong." he says annoyed and embarrassed.
There's an awkward silence until the perfect teacher finally says,
"Okay, so, everyone welcome Noah into our school." he says while sitting.
I look around the classroom and see all the girls staring at him, some confused by his makeup and others love struck.
(A/N I try to picture him as Noah Schnapp but I just can't picture Noah with makeup so comment who you see him as, actor wise.)

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