Chapter 45: Starbucks

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Eddie's POV:

Once we get to Starbucks we find Bev and Noah sitting together at a booth in the corner laughing on about something. Greta leads me down to them while I try not to collapse. Once Bev and Noah finally notice me Noah gets up to help me sit down.

"Still not feeling good?" Noah asks as he slowly brings me down to the seat.

"No." I groan. "I'm stuck between drunk and hungover and it's sucks."

"Well moms can't see you like this so you're gonna have to stay out of the house again tonight. But this time no drinking!" he says holding me still.

"Mhmm." I mumble resting my head on the table so it can stop spinning.

"So Richie will be here in like 5 minut-"

"Wait why's Richie coming?" I say throwing my head up so quickly my sunglasses fly off my face and go flying across the table.

"Because you're still drunk and nobody else will take care of you like he will." Noah says trying to reason with me.

"Noo." I say getting up. "I don't want to see him."

I try to walk away from the table but I just start stumbling but Greta and Noah hold me back from falling.

"Ed's come on." Noah says trying to convince me to sit down.

"NOOO!" I say yelling and swing his hands off of me. "He hurt me okay?! And I don't wanna fucking see him. He doesn't just get to pop up like that after hurting me okay?"

I look around and see people staring at me from all over.

"Okay... I'm sorry, just sit down though." Noah says grabbing my hand.

I sit down with him slowly so I don't fall, and he puts his arm around me and asks,

"Why don't you want to see him yet?"

"I told you he hurt me." I say trying to hold back my tears.

"How?" he says holding me close to him.

"He didn't trust me. After everything I've done for him... I gave up so much for him. I took beatings from my mom just to be with him, I came out even though I wasn't sure I was ready to be with him, I went against everything I thought I knew for him and I really just through myself out there for him, like I gave everything I could for him... But he couldn't even trust me to text, and that really fucking hurt." I say trying my best to hold in my tears.

"But he still cares about you Eddie. He never stopped caring, he just made a mistake and that's a part of relationships."

"I know. But I just want to see him now, I don't want to have to deal with him now, he's gonna be mad at me for gettin drunk and ignoring his calls and I just can't right now... It feels like my head is spinning in literal fucking circles and I have enough on my mind. I just need to relax." I say letting a couple tears out.

"Okay, wait here." he says before getting up and leaving me with Bev and Greta.

"Ed's." Bev says calling me softly.

I look up to her and see her scooting closer to me.

"You know what I do when Noah's mad at me?"

"What?" I ask curious.

"I apologize, and tell him how much I love him. Even if I know I'm right and he's wrong. It's hard, but it always works." she says patting my shoulder.

I look up to my right and see Noah and Richie talking near the front door. They both look at me then starting talking then agree and disagree until they start walking towards me. At first I want to get up and walk away but then I remember I'm too drunk to walk and Bev gave me advice like 10 seconds ago. Richie comes closer to me and looks at me with pity before running his fingers gently through my hair. He sits next to me and puts his arm around me and pulls me against him. I feel him kiss the top of my head then whisper,

"I love you Eddie Bear."

"I love you too." I whisper resting my head against his chest.

He runs his fingers through my hair 3 more times before asking,

"Are you ready to leave?" Richie asks holding Eddie's hand tightly.

"Yeah... I think I am."

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