Chapter 12: The Fight

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TBH I forgot their whole schedule and who they have it with but this is the new thing for them...
1 period Eddie and Bill are together, so are Richie and Bev
2 period Eddie, Richie, and Bill
3 period Eddie and Richie
4 period Eddie, Richie, Ben, and Stan

Richie's POV
During the car ride Eddie goes through a bunch of junk and pot I keep in the compartments in my car until he finds some picture of me from sixth grade that my mom took of me at the carnival.
"Oh my god this is the cutest thing ever." he says giggling, "Can I keep it?"
"Yeah but I mean it's really gross."
"No, I love it, it's adorable. I'll hang it in my room with th-"
He sighs then we go the rest of the car ride silently after he realized he didn't have a room anymore.

We get to school on time and walk without talking until we reach an intersection in the hallway. We stayed standing for a bit not looking at each other. I finally say,
"I'll see you in 2nd period."
"Yea." he says quietly. I wait for him to turn and kiss me but he doesn't. I turn to walk away but I hesitate to walk, I turn back around and grab Eddie's hand and kiss him right in front of everyone, I feel him start kissing me back. He smiles and slowly walks away, but I stand there watching him leaving. I can't help but smiling. He started acting weird after he told me about his mom, but, fuck that, because we kissed.

I finally turn around and walk to class, I get bored in my own thoughts by the time I get to class, so as soon as I got into the classroom I scanned the room for Bev. I found her sitting alone in the corner of the room so I hurried over.
"Hey little fucker."
"Shut it Trashmouth." she says rolling her eyes.
"Come on, you know I kidding, you're not a fucker... you're a slut." I say out of breathe from laughing.
"Richie I'm not in the mood today."
"Damn, are you on you're period or something?"
"Are you this annoying with Eddie?" Bev asks.
"Only sometimes." I say while sitting across from her at the round table.
"He probably has some kinke for gays that only laugh at their own jokes then." she says smiling.
"Shut up I'm not gay." I say annoyed.
"Uhh yea you are."
"Oh yeah," I say giggling. "I forget sometimes."
"How do you just forget you like dick?!"
"I mean I don't think about sex 24/7... only like... 15/4."
"That's not a thing."
"It is now so deal with it."
The teacher walks in as soon as I finish that sentence. The teacher's name was Mr. Charles and he's a fucking pervert but yea, we all let it slide because he doesn't give us much work, he just stares at the girls tits.
"You all can just read today." he says in his basic monotone.

Me and Bev talk for a bit, but our conversation gets way too boring so I think of something fun and thought of the perfect idea.
"Hey Mr. Charles!" I call out looking to the teacher.
"Richie, what are you doing?" Bev says whispering and pulling my arm down.

Mr. Charles walks over to us and I say,
"Bev had a question." I say with a huge smirk on my face.
He looks over to her and smiles saying,
"Yes Bev."
"Umm I forgot." she says trying not to look him in the eyes.
"I remember!" I say with a smile on my face. "You were asking me if the top you're wearing looks goo-"
"No I wasn't." she says cutting me off.
I look at Mr. Charles who is now staring at Bev as she tries to cover her chest behind books.
"Yea you did... and remember you said that Mr. Charles probably wouldn't like it."
I say looking at her trying to hold back my laugh.
"Well Beverly. That top looks beautiful on you." he says with his pervert smile.
He's walking away when Bev whispers to me,
"What the hell was that?!?!"
"You were boring me."
"So you asked some 60 year old perv to look at my tits?!?!"
"Yea." I say lifting my shoulders being a smart ass like always.
"You're a bitch sometimes." she says annoyed.
"I know." I say with a smug smile on my face. "But you still love me."
"Fuck you."
We sat in awkward silence til class finally ended. Me and Bev left out together and said bye as we split.

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