Chapter 29: Laser Tag

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Eddie's POV:

I wiggle around in the huge chest plate and try to adjust until Richie sees me.
"Let me help you." he says chuckling.
He puts his hand on my shoulder as he tightens the strap making it reach my collarbone.
"Tighten the back too."
He nods and leans forward to my body and grabs the straps behind me and pull them hard holding them to my back and stomach. I feel him tie the straps then gently squeeze my buttcheek making me laugh and push him away. He puts his hands on my ribs and starts tickling me making me get on the floor. I keep choking on my laughter until I see a group of other boys staring at us.
"Richie stop." I try to say my I keep laughing.
"Stop!" I finally manage to say.
He gets off the ground with me confused and helps me up.
"Are you ok?" he asks.
"Yea, I just need my inhaler." I say only half lying.
I pull the inhaler out of my pocket and inhale its medicine.
"Lets go in." he says pointing to the dark and big arena.
He starts walking to the room and I follow him.

Richie and I climb up a ladder and shot people passing by for a couple of minutes, but then Richie says,
"Let's go split up."
Before I could even answer he hops off the plank and on to the floor and runs away shooting in all directions.
I slowly climb down the ladder and place my feet on the floor gently. I run around searching for people to shoot until I see the group of kids from the changing room. I turn around and go in the other direction hoping they didn't see me, but then I hear laser shots my chest plate vibrates and goes dark. Without turning around I try to keep walking away but one calls out saying,
"Hold up faggot."
I stand still and hear him coming to me. He grabs my shoulder turning me to his face.
"Was that your little faggy boyfriend over there?"
"No." I say with a shaky voice. "He's just my friend."
"You better not be lying." he says breathing on my face. "That'll be double sinning."
"I don't know, he looks pretty gay to me." his friend behind him says chuckling.
"Well better safe than sorry." he says before lifting his arm and swinging his hand punching me on the side my cheek. I squeak in pain as I hit the flithy floor and I hear them all laughing then walk away together all calling me "faggy" and "homo".

I push myself off of the cold floor and wipe my nose to see blood smudged on my finger. I lift my arm and wipe the blood on my burgundy sweater. I feel my chest plate vibrate again and the light turns back on. I walk around and try not to get shot by other kids as I keep wiping my nose til I finish bleeding. I finally see Richie shooting a group of little kids and cheering for himself and I can't help but smile. I decide to just go wait for him in the car and let him have fun for a little. I go into the changing room and hang the chest plate and gun. I leave the building and go into Richie's car and take a nap.


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