Chapter 18: Family Issues

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Thank you guys for all the support with my story I hope you enjoy this chapter😁😊❤️💕
Btw 🎈🎈🎈is my new time jump thing.

Richie's POV:
2 days after last chapter.

I wake up with Eddie sleeping in my arms and I stay laying down snuggled up with him under the blanket in just my underwear. After a couple minutes I finally manage to fully wake up so I slowly creep away from Eddie and leave him sleeping in my bed. I open the bathroom door and immediately get the chills as the cold October breeze hits me. I look around the bathroom trying to figure out why it's so cold and I see an open window. I shut the window and turn around to close the door and take a shower when I see my mom standing in the doorway staring at me.

"Hey Rich."
"H-Hi mom."
She smiles and asks me,
"Who's the boy in your bed?"
"Umm do you remember Eddie?"
"Oh yea, I didn't recognize him without... you know clothes."
"He has underwear."
"Well you know what I mean."
I feel my face get warm as she asks,
"Are you and Eddie... like... dating?"
There's an awkward silence until I asks,
"Can we talk about this later?" I try to walk out of the bathroom but she grabs my shoulder softly.
"Richie, I just want to talk to you... please. You can't keep pushing me and your dad away."
I feel tears dripping down my cheeks but I try to hide it.
"Richie we love you, I know we're busy with work and we don't always show it... but it's just been hard since Riley..."
"I know." I say with a shaky voice and tears now pouring from my eyes.
"We just want you to know that we love you no matter who you chose to love. Okay?"
I nod and I feel her hug me and at first I don't hug her back, but then I slowly lean onto her shoulder and cry.

Eddie's POV:

I wake up alone in Richie's bed to the sound of voices down the hall. I get up from the bed and slowly prowl down to the door way and look out and see Richie hugging his mom and crying into her shoulder. I see them start to depart so I patter back to the bed and lay back down pretending to sleep. I hear Richie and his mom talking again but can't make out what their saying. They suddenly stop talking and I could feel Richie's presence at the doorway but I still feel tempted to open my eyes and look just to make sure.

I feel a hand touch my back at first I panic and quickly rollover but then I see it's Richie and I sigh of relief.
"You scared me." I say chuckling until I see Maggie Tozier behind him. I see her smiling but something about her just doesn't seem welcoming.
"I'll make breakfast upstairs while you boys get washed up." she says cheerfully.
I watch as she leaves the room, I look to Richie who looks happy and he leans towards kissing me on the forehead. I giggle as he grabs my arm and pulls me out the room.
"Come on let's go shower." he says leading me to the bathroom with him.


I start to eat my second pancake as Richie demolishes his 6 when I hear banging on the door. I look over at Went who was just talking to me about his business, and I see him get up wondering who's here. Me and Richie curiously peak our heads over our seat and he opens the door revealing my mom standing on the porch of the house now yelling,
"Where is he?!?!"
Maggie runs into the room from the kitchen as my mom storms into the dining room her eyes staring dead at me.

"You have to leave!" Maggie says screaming at my mom. "This is harassment, you can't barge into our house when ever you feel like it." 
Not listening to a single word Maggie is saying she grabs my arm and tries to pull me out of the house.
"We're leaving now Eddie." she says pulling me off my chair but I stop her...
"No!!!" I yell yanking my arm away from her.
She turns her head looking at me in the eyes with pure evil.
"We have to talk now!"
"Then we'll talk here." I say trying to stay strong holding back my tears.
"We're going home now!"
"No!! If you want to talk we'll talk, but only here."
She stares me down then looks around the room scoffing and says,
"I won't talk around these imbeciles."
"Then we'll go downstairs." I say walking through he hall and down the staircase leading to Richie's room.

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