Chapter 34: Christmas Eve Eve?

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Richie's POV:
Time: Two days before Christmas (Friday)

I wake up to the sound of my phone vibrating over and over on my nightstand. I eventually roll over and slap my my hand over the phone and carry it close to my eyes, I try moving the phone around to see the name on the screen but I cant see shit with out my glasses. I decide to just pick up see what happens.
"Who's this?" I say into the phones speaker annoyed.
"It's Eddie." I hear his voice saying.
I instantly sit up in my bed and clear my throat.
"Oh hi Eddie Bear." I say in a soft voice.
"Hey, can you come to my house in like 5 minutes?" he says rushing.
"Not in 5 minutes. Maybe like 20." I say laying back on the bed.
"Shit, okay, I'll go to you're house then. Be ready in 8 minutes." he says hanging up not even a full second after.
I roll out my bed and put my glasses on, I look around the room as I think about what I'm going to wear. I turn to my chair and see a ugly sweater Ed's got me and decide to put that on with thick sweatpants. I pick up a clean underwear and walk into the bathroom.

Eddie's POV:

I quickly knock on the front door and seconds later I Richie's mom peaking her head out the door.
"Oh hi Eddie." she says opening the door wider. "Richie's in the shower now, so you could wait here. Or wait does he like let you see him in the shower?"
"Never mind, that's weird okay, you just... go wherever."
"Okay, I'll wait up here." I say sitting at the kitchen table.
She turns to the other direction and washes dishes.
"So are you and Richie like officially dating?" she asks.
I stay absolutely quiet not knowing if Richie had come out to her.
"It's okay Eddie I know he likes boys." she says chuckling.
"Oh okay... yea we're dating though."
There's an awkward pause before I asks,
"Did Richie tell you that he's... you know..."
"No, I just figured it out. I've tried to talk to him about it, but you know how he is."
"Yea." I say before I hear the basement door opening to my left.
I turn over and see Richie standing behind the door.
"Hey." I say getting up to go hug him but he's points to his mom who is still washing dishes and looking the other direction.
"Good morning mom." he says loudly. "Hey Ed's." he says looking at my eyes.
"Good morning baby." she says finally turning around to look at us.
"Me and Eddie are gonna go to my room." he says pointing downstairs.
"Okay have fun..." she says with a smirk. "Not too much fun tho."

Me and him run downstairs to his room then he slams the door behind us. He instantly throws his arms around me and kisses me right on the lips. I put one my hand on the back of his head and start kissing him back. He starts lays me on his bed and rolls next to me. I pull away to try and talk to him but he kisses me again except this time he tries tongue. I put both my hands on the back off his neck and I feel his hand petting the back of my head. I pull away again and this time he does too.
"Richie I need to tell you something."
"What?" he asks pouting wanting to kiss more.
"I have to leave tomorrow morning."
"Oh... um where?"
"Stef's mom invited us for Christmas, and she said I could stay or go, and I kinda wanna go and meet him." I say trying not to look at his eyes.
"Oh okay. So you're be there for. Christmas?"
"Yea... but I mean we could still spend Christmas Eve Eve together." I say trying to cheer him up.
"Yeah." he says with a smile trying to sound happy but he fails badly.
"I could stay if you want." I suggest.
"No no, it's okay." he says grabbing my hand. "Lets just enjoy what we have right now."
He leans closer to me and wraps his arms around me and I lay my head on his shoulder.
"Let's go watch some Christmas movies!" he says excited grabbing hopping off the bed and dragging me out his door.

We run up the stairs then into his living room. He sits me down on the couch then grabs a remote and blanket then throws himself next to me. I lay my head on his lap as he scrolls through movies then finally just puts the Grinch movie. An hour into the movie his mom unexpectedly comes in with a plate of cookies and I immediately lift up my head and try to act normal.
"Don't worry I don't care what you guys do." she says gently placing the plate of Christmas sugar cookies down on the table.
I lay back on his leg and watch as Richie devours the cookies while his mom walks out of the room.
After a couple more minutes of the movie I "rest my eyes" then feel myself drifting away into sleep with Richie's hand petting my hair.


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