Chapter 32: First Date (Part 2)

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Richie's POV:

"Oh my god! Richie please no more milkshakes." he begs as I wave my arms trying to get the waiters attention.
"Fine." I say swinging my arms around.
The waiter notices me and comes over,
"More milkshakes?" he asks annoyed.
"No. Imma pay."
"Finally." he says ripping out the bill from his notepad.

He writes down a couple of numbers then puts the bill on the table then slides it to me.
I pay and give him a small ass tip then I grab Eddie's hand over the table and we walk out the store.
I lead him to the car then open the door for him. He climbs up to the seat as I let go of his hand and walk to my side.
I turn the car on backup turning left.
"Wait its to the right!" Eddie says tapping my arm.
"No, it left."
"No, your house is on Jackson St."
"We're not going to my house." I say smirking.
"What? Where are we going then?"
"Guess." I say taking one hand off the wheel to hold his.
"Both hands on the wheel." he says pushing my hand away.
"ooooOffffFff guess already."
"I don't know." he says sighing.

"There's only one place down this road Ed's. How do you not know?"
"I've never been here." he says laying his head on my shoulder.
"It's the Twilight drive-in theater."
"Oh my god wait, are they gonna play Twilight?!"
I chuckle then say,
"Oh." he says disappointed.
"Aww you're so gay." I say turning to look at his gleamy eyes before he says,
"Keep your eyes on the road!" he says putting his hand on my cheek pushing my face to look at the road.
I slowly stick my tongue out and lick his hand making him yell,
"Ewww thats.... thats just so insanitary!"
"Oh please, I know you love it when I lick you."
"Shut up." he says smiling but trying to stay mad.
"Are we almost there?" he asks annoyed.
"Yea, its right here." I say pointing to a bright neon sign at the end of the road.
"Yay!" he says hugging my arm and placing his head on my shoulder.

I pull into the entrance and pay the lady in the ticket booth and she says,
"It's station 87.5." before handing me a slip of paper.
I drive up close to the screen and park in the middle. I hop out the car and open the trunk that's full of blankets and pillows and pull them out.
Eddie watches my struggle as I stumble to the front of the car and asks him,
"Inside the car or out?"
"Out." he says looking at the screen. "Why can't I hear it?"
"You have to play it on the radio."
"Oh okay." he says staring at the screen as I lay a blanket on the hood of the car and over the windshield.
"Go sit." I say reaching into the side compartment in my car and I accidentally pull out my vape and shove it back in and grab my Walkman.
"Won't the glass break?" Eddie says looking at the blankets scared.
"Are you sure?" he asks.
I stare him down then he starts trying to climb on to the hood but keeps slipping.
"Let me carry you." I say reaching to pick him up from behind.
"No! I'm tall enough." he insist pushing me away.
"Okay." I say giggling as I hop on top of the car and lay in the blankets.
He keeps trying over and over again but then finally gives up and says,
"Richie, can you help me up?" with a puppy face.
"Yea." I say chuckling.
I grab his buttcheek and pull him up next to me and I cover him in the blankets. I pull out my Walkman and tune it to the station, I put one earphone in Eddie's ear and the other in mine.
"What movie is this?" he asks in a soft voice.
"Scream 2."
He stays absolutely nothing as he slowly wraps his arms around me and puts his head on my chest.
I finally break the silence and say,
"Can I kiss you?" while looking down at him.
'Please do." he says looking back at me with a smile and I press my lips against his.


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