Chapter 37: CHRISTMAS

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Eddie's POV: 

I feel Richie getting up away from me and open my eyes to see nothing but darkness. I hear his footsteps walking away and his cabinet opening slowly. I listen carefully to the silence and hear a little metal clinking but pretend to be sleeping. Seconds later he closes the cabinet and lay's back next to me. He pulls my body against his and I fall asleep again. 


Richie wakes me before going into the shower and I pick out my clothes as I wait for him to be done in the shower. I sit down on his bed and get bored waiting and start to think about last night... What was the metal clinking? It could've been a flask! Or maybe he was lighting a cigarette! I try to bring my mind back to metal noise. Did it sound like a lighter, or like a flask, or hopefully neither, but I just can't seem to remember the exact noise. Without thinking I get up walk over to the cabinet and slowly lift my hand to the handle. NO!  I have to trust him. He knows I don't want him drinking or smoking, and he wouldn't want to hurt me. But what if he was smoking again? Shouldn't I check just be sure? I want to trust him, but I have to be sure. I come up with excuses in my head for why I invaded his privacy and finally bring myself to open the cabinet. On the top layer there's nothing but socks. I did my hands through and find nothing. I keep digging and digging until my finger finally hit a suede box shape. I wrap my fingers around the box and pull it out. I observe the box and see it's from a jewelry store, I hesitate to open it. I know it's not drugs or alcohol. But I still want to know exactly what's inside. I slowly rub my fingers to the slit in the box, I grip it tight with my fingers and slowly open the box ready to peak insi-

"I was gonna wait til we were giving out presents." Richie says by the open bathroom door with nothing but a towel around his waist. 

"Sorry. It's just I heard you get up last night and-"

"No its okay." he says smiling. "Open it." 

"Are you sure?" 


I nod and open the box and see a silver necklace with a ring around it. I stare at the oddly familiar rusty ring. My mind instantly goes back to when I was 7, I had found an old wedding ring at our schools playground and I gave it to Richie asking him to "marry me".

"Oh my god." I say laughing. "You saved the ring?"

"... Yea." he says walking up in front of me. "It took me a while to find it. I kept it under my mattress since you gave it to me." 

"I love it." I say with a single tear rolling down my cheek. 

"Can I put it on you?" he asks. 

"Yea." I say putting the necklace in his hand gently. 

He puts his hands around my neck and I hear it click. He steps back and looks at me. 

"You look adorable... as always." he says with his perfect smile.

"Thank you sooo much." I say stepping closer to him.

I wrap my arms around his wet body, and squeeze him tighter and tighter. 7 years... I've loved the same damn boy for 7 years. But I never could've brought myself to accept it til 3 months ago. I just don't EVER want to let go.


We all sit together on the sofa watching Nightmare Before Christmas. Me snuggled up in Richie's arms, have the perfect Christmas.  

A/N: I know this chapters short but I feel like I already covered the whole Christmas thing in the other 3 chapters. Plus I've never celebrates an actual Christmas because of my mom which I hate for many reason but it also means I'm bad at righting Christmas stories. SO yeaaa. Love you guys <3

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