Chapter 2: The Library (Part 2)

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Richie's POV

Just saying it gets a little kinky but doesn't go too far.

My sore legs sting from pedaling, I feel Gretta's body pressure against mine. I hear her voice but can't distinguish what she's saying. I slow down towards a wooden picket fence and turn over, Gretta picks her head up from my shoulder and says...
"Where are we going again?"
"To the library, remember?"
"Oh, yeah. But why?"
"To met the Losers" I say while sliding back my foot back to the pedals. I grab the handles and I hear her say...
"Is that what they call themselves?" she said annoyed. I stayed quiet for a second and start pedaling again. I hear her head laying on my shoulder again. I slow down for a van speeding down the intersection and I feel her slide her arms off my shoulders and slowly put them around my ribs and hold me tight. I slowly start pedaling faster.

My heart is racing, except in a different way, this time it is out of worry and guilt. I knew I didn't love her. I didn't even like her, but I still keep leading her on. I try to tell myself I don't know why I do it, but I do. I do it for the popularity. Henry and his friends always joke around and call me a virgin I this year I want that to stop. I feel bad for not defending the Losers when Gretta was talking shit but I know I can't say anything or she'll hate me and I'll just be "the virgin" again. I hear her voice calling again, I look around realizing I had doze off and see we are already at the library.

I thought about how I would explain her to Ben. Gretta would always make fun of him and now I bring her. I slow down into the parking lot and get off in front of the bike rack. I slowly move back and Gretta gets off. I slide my leg to the other and get up. Gretta grabs my hand and I use the other to push the bike in. She leads me towards the door me towards the door but I pull back. She turns around and looks at me confused.

I push my words out and say.
"Can we talk quick?"
"Umm... Yeah." She says still confused.
I lead her to the other side of the parking lot.
"Look I know you don't like the Losers so much, but please just take it easy on them, they've been through a lot."
"Don't worry about it. I'll be good." she says with a smile.
"What's wrong with them though?"
"Nothings wrong with them! They're just different!" I say slightly raising my voice.
She looks up into my eyes scared but hiding it.
"Okay...okay." she looks down and starts smiling again. She starts to rub my hand again and get a little closer little by little and says,
"You know I love you right?"
My smile is fake and real at the same time, I'm happy she's letting things go the way I want them to but sad because I know what l'm going to have to do after.

She waits for me to answer but I don't. Still determined she leans into my face and slowly presses her lips into mine. At first I let her and stay still. Her lips slide off for a second and she pressed them back on. I start to lean forward and slowly tilt my head and our tongues rub for a split-second and she turns her head and keeps pressing forward.

I feel her hand slowly rub up my knee to my upper thigh. I feel her reaching higher towards my dick and let her at first. She starts rubbing me put them so grab her hand and she starts pulling away, but doesn't stop kissing me. My heart is pounding out of guilt again. I tell myself I want her but I pull away from the kiss and Gretta stares into my eyes confused, not angry as I had expected just extremely confused. I could tell she was trying to make things work but she knew it couldn't. I rub her fingers.

"I think we should go in now." I say.
She forces a smile and we walk to the front doors together. I open the first door and Gretta walks through, I follow her in. Our hands are still together just loose now. When we walk in I hear someone yell
I slightly tilt my head over to the table towards my right. I see Ben and Bill. I make my way over to the table. I see Bens eyes following Gretta, he stares at her till she sits down with me and then he starts to read his book again but looks annoyed and aggravated.

"Where's the little bitch." I say.
"He just w-went to the b-bathroom" Bill says raising his hand pointing it towards a door. Me and Bill talk for awhile about stuff and Gretta rest her head on my shoulders. We talk for almost 5 minutes and Eddie still hasn't come. I start to worry a bit but don't think much of it.

"How long has he been there?" I ask looking at Bill.
"Like 8 m-minutes now."
I tap Gretta's shoulder and she looks up.
"I'm gonna see why he's taking so long to shit"
I get up and Bill says,
"He was a-asking about you ea-arlier."
"Like what?"
"Just when you w-would come."
I smile and feel my face getting warm so I turn around and walk over to the door.

"Ed's!" I call out while knocking with a smile.
I wait less than a few seconds for a response but I don't hear anything.
"Ed's, come on!" I call out louder and start to knock harder and quicker. I still hear nothing. My heart starts racing. I turn the door knob to find it's unlocked. I open and look into the room hoping to find Eddie but see no one.

"Bill he isn't here!" I shout with panic in my voice. I turn around, start walking to the table and see Ben finally looking up from his book.
"Bill I can't find him."
Bill looks at me and sighs saying,
"He p-probably thought you d-ditched us. We'll see him t-tomorrow."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah p-probably." I go to sit next to Gretta and she holds my hand. I hide my face a bit hoping she doesn't see my teary eyes but it's too late.
"Are you ok?"
"Yeah, just allergies."
She nods, sighs, and puts her head back on my shoulder.

Bill and Ben start talking and I would contribute every now and then but all I could really think about was Eddie.

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