Chapter 24: Halloween

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Eddie's POV:

"That's just... that's just so stupid. How could they have school on Halloween? I mean that's just bullshit."
Richie comes out the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist laughing.
"You're adorable when you're mad." he says still laughing.
He puts his hand on my shoulder and pulls me closer to him for a hug, I sigh, and lean forward.
"I don't have to go if you don't want me too."
"No, it's okay I have to add a finishing touch to your costume anyways." I say mocking him.
He immediately stands straight saying,
"Can you please just tell me? I mean, I'll find out in just hours." he asks begging.
"Exactly so just wait a couple more hours." I say mocking him.
He rolls his eyes and digs through his drawer looking for clothes.
"Can I chose your outfit today?" I say jumping up of the bed and smiling excitedly.
"Sure, just make me look sluty." he says chuckling.
"Be careful what you wish for." I say grabbing scissors off of his counter. "Get me an old shirt you don't like."
Terrified he tosses me an grey Nirvana shirt. I cut out the bottom of the shirt all around making it a crop top. I hold it up and put it in his hands.
"Eddie, no please."
"At least try it on." I say begging.
"Okay." he says sighing.
"Wait one more thing." I say searching for my red shorts.
I find it under his blue sweater and pull it out showing it to Richie.
"Oh my god Eddie."
"For me?" I say smiling with puppy eyes.
"Yea Yea." he says reaching for the shorts.
I toss it to him and watch him walk to the bathroom.

I anxiously wait for him to come out calling him every 30 seconds.
"Richie are you almost ready?"
"Yea Ed's hold up."
I hear the door creeping open and look up and see Richie with his arms crossed. He tries to pull the shirt down to cover his belly button but it doesn't work.
"Oh my god it's perfect!" I say clapping for myself.
"Yea no I can't wear this to school."
"Why not?" I ask confused.
"The shorts are going up my butt cheek and this shirt... it's not even a shirt anymore, it's basically a bra."
"The shorts aren't that bad." I say trying to convince him.
He turns around showing the shorts all the way up his ass.
"Okay the shorts are a bit too much." I say spanking him.
He immediately turns around and laughs while blushing.
"Yea and it's cold."
"Ok how about you just wear that shirt and then jeans?"
"And an under shirt? I don't want everyone seeing my belly button."
"Nope, no undershirt Rich. My boyfriend needs to be hoeing or else I don't want him."
"Fine." he says rolling his eyes and giggling.


I open the stores front door and look around for glasses. I finally find a rack full of glasses and I go through almost 20pairs until I find the perfect pair with red frames. I look through a couple more aisles and find salmon pink hair dye so I take it for some other day. I get to the cash register and see a pregnant teen there waiting for me. I place the glasses and hair dye on the counter while I take money out of my pocket. Th girl picks up the hair dye and scans it while saying,
"Aren't you too young to be dying your hair?"
I look up at her annoyed and say,
"Aren't you too young to be pregnant?"
The girl behind the counter looks up at me surprised and says,
"What did you just say?"
"N-Nothing." I say stepping back.
I stretch my hand out giving her my money and she snatches it out of my hand.


As I'm walking back to Richie's house I see his car parked in the driveway and start running to his house. I slow down as I hop up the concrete stairs and open the door and lunge through. I quietly dash down the stairs and burst into the room and see Richie sitting on the bed waiting for me. I jump on his lap and kiss him on his cheek.
"How was school?"
"Cold. Can you tell me what we're dressing up as now?" he says bristling his fingers through my hair.
"Not yet we have to go to Bev's house."
"Why?" he asks looking at me confused.
"I had her hold it so you won't find it here."
"Wow Eddie Bear, smart." he says chuckling and kissing my nose.
We get up and he grabs his key off of the night stand. I grab his hand and he looks down asking,
"What's in the bag?"
I immediately crinkle the bag hiding the glasses.
"It's part of the costume don't look."
"Okay okay." he says turning his face away.


"Are you ready?" I ask teasing Richie.
"Yes." he says giggling trying to look behind me.
I pull out his red costume from behind me and unfold it.
"Oh my god, it's soo cuttee."
"Do you even know what animal it is?"
"No." he says laughing.
"It was supposed to be a dog but it kinda looks like a cat now." I say giggling.
"Well I love it." he says leaning close to me and hugging me tightly.
I hug him back and enjoy his warmth until I remember the glasses.
"Oh wait I have one more thing."
I reach into my back pocket and pull out the bright red glasses. I pull off his normal pair gently put the red ones on his face.
"Now go change we have to meet the others at the Quarry soon." I say kissing him.
He gets up and starts walking to Bev's bathroom.
I take out my blue bear costume and just change in the open.

Seconds later Richie comes out smiling with his costume on and tail dragging on the floor.
"You look adorable." he says to me.
"Yea, I'm a bear... cause you call me Eddie Bear so..."
"Yeah, I get it, it's cute." he says giggling.
I step closer and fix his crooked glasses.
"You look good too." I say kissing his cheek. "Now come on let's go meet the other Losers."
"Okay let me get Bev first though." he says before running upstairs yelling her name.
"Bev hurry up!"
"I'm right here Trashmouth!" Bev yells coming out of the kitchen surprising me.
Richie hops down the stairs and stares at her.
"Wait you were there the whole time?"
"Damn that's kinda creepy." he says laughing.
"Well let's get in the car." he says swinging his keys around his finger.
Me and Bev follow him close behind.
"I love your costume by the way." I say to Bev chucking.
"Thanks." she says pulling out her fake sword to match the Peter Pan costume.
She swings her sword hitting Richie's back saying,
"Come on, Neverland awaits us Richie!" she says racing him to the car.


Richie's POV:

"This is gonna be my last house guys." Stan says picking up his green hair off his face.
I see Stan's dressed up as the Joker and Bill as a rockstar with his hair in a mohawk.
"Yea okay." Eddie says skipping to the next driveway.
"We'll go meet up with the others after this one then." I say chasing after him.
We all rush over to the door and Bill knocks as we all stand behind waiting. The door finally opens revealing some old lady with her hand full of shitty candy.
"Treat or Treat." we all say annoyed.
The lady drops a handful of candy in each of our bags then shuts the door behind her.
"Old b-bitch." Bill whispers making Stan and me laugh as we walk back over to the other side of the road where Bev is waiting with Noah, Mike, and Ben. This year Mike dressed up as a zombie and Ben a vampire. As we get closer I try to see what Noah's costume is supposed to be but I can't make it out.
I feel Eddie tugging on my sleeve and I look down at him.
"You okay Ed's?" I ask as he squeezes his arm between mine.
"Yea just cold." he says snuggling against my shoulder.
I kiss his enormous forehead and say,
"We'll go in soon."

When we get closer I notice that Noah's costume is Captain Hook and I smirk as I watch him and Bev play with there swords.
"Keep it PG Bev!" I yell making her turn around to me and instantly blush.
"Did you already forget when you and Eddie basically had dry sex in her pool?" Stan asks bursting out laughing.
Eddie face turns red out of embarrassment so I tuck his face into my shoulder and rub his head.
"I like your matching costume." Noah says smiling.
"Thanks." Ed's say from under my head.
After a couple of minutes Stan and Bill leave then Ben and Mike, leaving me with Eddie, Bev, and Noah.
"Let's hit up a couple more houses then go to my place to eat some candy." Noah suggests.
"Yea that sounds good." Bev says smiling as her and Noah walk up to a house.


The sound of candy falling fills the room as all of us empty our bags into separate piles.
"I'll trade 4 Reese's for the long Twix." I offer Eddie.
"Yup." he says handing me the 8 inch Twix and snatching the Reese's before I could pull it away.
I smirk as I pull the chocolate out of the wrapper and shove it down my throat making everyone in the room scream and laugh in surprise.
"It's not that big." I say as I pull, it out of my mouth.
We all eat candy and joke around for an other hour until we fall asleep.

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