Chapter 9: Healing

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Not gonna lie it gets pretty kinky.

Eddie's POV

                          Eddie: richie told me the thing
                                        but i still don't get it

Stan the Man: plz just talk to him
i don't want mad him at me

                                     Eddie: come on stan plz

Stan the Man: okay but you can't
tell him it was me who told you

                       Eddie: i swear on my mothers life

Stan the Man: his mom had this bi-polar thing and it passed to him but he had it worst and he went all evil when he was a kid now he goes to therapy and has to take meds but his family is still like shaken up from what he did so yeah he never really forgave himself

                       Eddie: but he couldn't control it
                    right? he didn't want to hurt anyone

Stan the Man: yeah but like i said he
  still just can't forgive himself for it

I turn my phone off and toss it on my night stand. I lay on my bed and rest my head on a pillow. I just miss Richie so much, I wish he could hold me right now. I wish he could kiss me and tell me everything is okay... that we would be okay. In my heart I knew it would be, but I just needed to hear him say, I just needed him to be here with me so we could get through this together. I grab my phone again and start typing a text for Richie but then I see all the messages he left on read and I throw my phone at the night stand this time and stay sitting. I grab a pillow and lean forward into it.

I jump up off of my bed grab my phone and run downstairs. I see my mom sitting on her chair like always and she turns over to me.
"Mommy can I go ride my bike?"
"Just around the town."
She sighs and says "Be back by 7." while groaning. I hop on to my bike and text Stan to meet me at Richie's house. I ride my bike over to Richie's house and I see Stan waiting outside. I slow down as I ride over to him, I look at him but he looks annoyed. I stop at his bike and park mine. I walk over to the front door and I look back to see Stan isn't following.
"Eddie trust me this isn't a good idea."
"Why not?"
"Please just trust me."
I roll my eyes and ring the doorbell.

Richie doesn't answer but his dad does. I look up to him and say...
"Is Richie here?" I step back little and he says,
"Yeah, is he expecting you?"
"Um... no we came by surprise."
"Oh okay.... he's in his room."
"Ok thanks." I say as he moves out of the doorway and leads us to the kitchen then hallway. I know where his room is, but I don't say anything because his dad has never seen me here. He stops at his door and says.
"He's in there." I nod, he walks away as I slowly open the door and peak in. I see his body shape under a blanket and I walk in and Stan follows.
"Richie." I call out. I see Richie's head lift up from under the blanket and it ruffles all around. He finally gets out but looks like he had been crying, drinking, and sleeping his whole life.

"Richie, we came to see you." I say with a shaky voice. I was waiting to see him but right now something felt wrong and like I was missing something really important.
"Okay." he says and he moves over to his bed frame. He sighs and shoves his head into a pillow. He picked his head back up and said,
"I kinda wanna be alone right now, and just figure things out myself."
I tried to push out words but at first it wasn't working. I keep pushing and finally I said,
"Yeah.... okay, I get it." I felt tears coming down, and I saw him getting up coming towards me. I backed away at first but he grabbed me and hugged me.

Reddie❤️Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant