Chapter 41: Love Sick

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Richie's POV:

Time: 1 day after

Eddie lays down on his bed bursting out coughing again.

"I knew I shouldn't have kissed you." he whines then starts coughing again.

I sit down next to his legs and lay myself by his side. He finally stops coughing but then I start coughing.

"It was kinda worth it though." he says with a bit of cheer in his voice.

"And now we're both sick so we could be around each other." I say clearing my throat.

"It doesn't work that way."

"Yeah it does. I can't get you sick anymore because you're already sick, so now we can lay in bed slowly dying together."

"Shut up." he says giggling.

He turns his self so now his face is right next to mine. I lean forward and kiss his nose quickly and his face flushes red as he pulls the blanket up to his shoulder.

"You're cold?"

"Just a little." he says while yawning.

"Come closer then." I say grabbing him and pulling him against me.

I wrap my arms around him and he press his head against my chest. I put one of my hands under his shirt and on his ribs and then he starts giggling. He pushes my hand off while saying,

"That tickles."

"What this?" I say ticking him more.

"Stop!" he says squirming as he burst out laughing.

He tries to pull away but I roll on top of him and keep tickling him.

"Stoppp!" he says still laughing. "I can't breath."

I get off of him and he slowly stops laughing.

"You okay?" I ask as he starts to wheeze.

"Yeah.... yea." he says out of breathe.

"Let me get your pum-"

"No!" he says interrupting. "Just help me calm down."

"Yea okay." I say grabbing his hands. "Just take deep breathes."

I let go of one of his hands and push the hair in front of his face back. I rub his shoulders and I kiss his forehead. His breathing slowly starts to back to normal and then he whispers,

"I'm ok now."

I nod and kiss his forehead again before I let go of his shoulders. He scoots closer to me then wraps his arms around me.

"We're still gonna go to school tomorrow, right?"

I groan and then come up with an excuse,

"We're still sick though."

"No I feel better." he says lying.

"No you don't"

"Fine but I'll be better tomorrow." he says trying to convince me.

"We'll see."

He rolls his eyes then presses his head against my chest. 

"I love you." he whispers gently.

"... I love you too." 

Reddie❤️Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin