Chapter 11: The Dream

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Richie's POV:

I find myself standing back stage of what seems like some talk show. I look around at the stage and see chairs set up with a long table. I look in the audience and see it filled up with people all staring at the stage quietly. I hear the crowd start to cheer and scream out of no where. I turn to the stage and see Pennywise on the stage dancing in a tuxedo. He sits down on a chair calms the audience down and then turns to me and says,
"Now Richie."
I start to panic and back away but I hear a voice behind me saying,
"Come on... go!"
I someone start to push me to the stage, I try to myself from going forward but it doesn't work and they push me harder until I fall onto the stage. I look around and see the audience cheering again. Still confused and panicking I walk over to the chair staring at Pennywise and sit. The crowd starts to slowly silence.
"So Richie..." Pennywise says with his smile of pure evil. "From what you've told me you and Eddie have been having problems?"
"No." I say turning red.
"Oh really," he says still with his disgusting smile. "It says here that you haven't been able to tell him you love him after he found out about some dark secret, is that true?"
"Yeah... I mean, not really... kinda." I say confused by myself. The crowd all say,
"Aawwww" I turn over to them and panic again but then Pennywise asks,
"So why do you think you can't tell him?"
"Tell him what?"
"You love him." I pause thinking of some excuse but then I let the truth go without even thinking about it...
"I guess it's because I'm scared he won't say it back..." I try to hold back tears.
"But why do you think he won't?"
"I don't know... It's just, he... ugh, I think he just doesn't love me that's it."
"But he's told you he does before right?"
"Yeah but now it's different because --"
"Nope, its the same, a secret doesn't change love does it?"
"It could."
"But do you think it changed Eddies love for you?"
"I told you I don't know!"
"Then why don't you find out? Just tell him you love him... what could go wrong?"
"He could not say it back."
"Stop being so negative already." I roll eyes at him as he pulls out a ballon and blows it up. He ties it up into a dog and says,
"You do love him, right?"
"Would you still love him if he didn't love you?"
Then tell him that?"
"Tell him you'll always love him! No matter what!" He stands up and starts walking over to me. "What's the point of life if you don't take any risk? You can't just sit there waiting for him to say it, you can't be there dying inside waiting for him to say it if you know that you love him." He gets closer to me and hands me the ballon saying,
"Now are we done here?"
"Yeah I guess."
"Okay, you guys ready?" The crowd immediately starts screaming. He reaches over to me and grabs my neck and starts strangling me. I feel his claws digging into my neck as he opens mouth wide revealing his fangs and picks me up and drops me in his mouth.

I wake up sweaty and terrified. I squirm around trying to find out where I am and see it's still dark I get up from the couch and remember I'm at Bev's house. I turn around and see Eddie staring at me confused by what I was just doing.
"Yeah don't worry... are you okay?"
"Yeah, yeah I'm all good." I lay back down and he push himself against me. I grab him and pull him closer to me and I feel his body laying on me. I start to drift away and sleep again til I remember,
"Ed's are you awake?"
"Yeah... what's up?" he says turning to my face and looking at me.
"I love you." there's a silence then he says,
"I love you too." with a smile across his face.
I kiss him good night and he snuggles up on me and falls asleep, I'm way too happy to go to sleep so I stay up playing his hair and rubbing his back the whole night still in disbelief. We wake up at the same time but we both silently agree just to lay down for another hour. I feel his breathing on my neck the whole time until Bev comes into the room. I slide up the second I see her and say,
"Hey Bev."
"Hey guys."
"Sorry we slept in we'll go soon."
"Don't worry about it stay as long as you guys want. I'm going to get ready for school now." she gives us her basic smile and walks into the kitchen. I slide back down into Eddie's arms and I kiss him while tickling his ribs and he giggles and pressed his face into mine.

Eddie POV
"We should get going." Richie says. I start to panic and say,
"No!" I say loudly. Richie looks over to me almost frightened.
"Why not?" he asks confused.
"I can't go back to my mom I can't live in fear anymore." I say with a shaky voice trying to hold back tears out of terror. Richie looks at me with his sparkling eyes saying,
"It's okay you don't have to, but where will you live?"
"I don't know yet... I just know I can't be with her anymore. I can't be living in terrified everyday wondering what she'll do to me."
"You could stay with me for awhile, but I'm not sure how long my parents would allow it." there's a pause then he says,
"Thanks Richie."
I look down at the couches cushion trying to hide my teary eyes, he lifts his right hand and pushes my hair up out of my face. He holds me close to him for a couple of seconds and then we start getting ready to leave.
"What will you wear?" he ask worried about the new life I am going to be living.
"I'll sneak my clothes out when I know she's out of the house." I say convincing myself this plan will work out. We say our goodbyes to Bev and leave. We ride in silence for awhile but then Richie says,
"I'll protect you Eddie. I'll do anything for you."
Richie almost never just calls me Eddie so I know he is being serious right now.
"I know you will Richie." I say smiling, "That's why I love you."

We get to his house and I already see him worrying about what his parents will say. We walk up to his house together with our bags and we stop at the door. He reaches for the door knob and twist it to find out it's locked. I watch Richie as he reaches into his bag and pulls out the key, he unlocks the house and lets me in. He quickly looks around and says,
"There not here." with a smile of disbelief.
We go down into his room and start getting ready for school. Richie gives me a pair of his white shorts, a pink sweater and a clean underwear. He shows me to he bathroom and I take a quick shower. I realize I don't have a tooth brush but don't care. Usually I would freak if I didn't brush my teeth or forgot to take my meds, but only because of my mom, and I knew I didn't have to worry about her now. I had Richie. I get out of the bathroom and see Richie sitting in his waiting.
"Sorry I took awhile."
"Don't worry, you were quick." he kisses me and we pass each other and I sit where he was. I watch him walking into the bathroom. He leaves the door open and I look into the bathroom and see him taking off his clothes, but once I realize what I'm doing I turn and look away.

Richie gets out of the shower minutes later and he brings me upstairs into the kitchen.
"We still have a hour til school." Richie says looking and me with a smile, "What do you want to do?"
"I don't know." I say sitting next to him with my arms in the kitchen table. He grabs my hand and rest his head on the table.
"I had a dream last night." he says slowly as if he is still debating whether or not he should speak, "Pennywise was there... and he was like giving me like couple counsel or some kinky shit." I force out a giggle but inside I feel terrified because last night I had a dream with Pennywise too. He had told me to leave my mom, and that she was holding me back from living happily. I push the words out my mouth and say,
"He was in my dream too..." Richie turns his head over and looks at me.
"What happened?" he asks panicking.
"He just told me stuff about my mom and how she's terrible... it was weird though, I knew I was dreaming and I knew that wasn't Pennywise because, he would've like killed me by then but I was still scared out of my mind."
"Yea... I know what you mean."

We stay there sitting, Richie was rubs my fingers and knuckles, as we just stay there... heads laying on the table... just staring at each other. After a while Richie picks up his head to look at the clock in the wall.
"Fuck we have to leave now." he says as he jumps up out of his seat and lets go of my hand. He goes into the basement, I follow him to his room and get my backpack. We go up together and leave the house. We go into his car and ride away.

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