Chapter 35: Christmas Eve (Part 1)

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Eddie's POV:

Time: 3 hours after falling asleep on Richie (6:00PMish?)

I wake up in Richie's arms and look up to Richie's facing staring into his glowing eyes. I observe his face counting every single one of his freckles. I wonder how someone so amazing like him could love someone so selfish like me. I don't ever want to lose him... he's the best thing that's ever happened to me. After a few minutes of admiring him, he finally looks down at my face and smiles. He leans down giving me a gentle kiss on my lips. He turns back to the TV and continues watching. I look towards the TV and see him watching Stranger Things AGAIN.

"Do you like have a thing for Will?" I ask jokingly.

"Shut up." he says chuckling.

He looks back down at me and stares into my eyes saying,

"You know I only love YOU."

I can't help but smile and blush as he pulls me closer to his chest and tightly squeezes his arms around me. He kisses my neck and goes up till he reaches my face and pecks me on the nose laughing. He fixes the blanket to covering both and us and snuggles with his face touching mine. I quietly pull out my phone and text Stef,

                                                 Me: Ma, can I sleep over Richie's while you're at New York?

Stef <3: Are you sure? You don't wanna meet my dad

                  Me: i do but i really want to spend Christmas with Richie, it's our first year together

Stef <3: Yeah its okay babe, so I'll pick you up on Sunday night?

                                                                Me: yea, thx ma <3

I cover slide my hand under the blanket and put my phone in my pocket.

"Who were you texting?" Richie asks still staring at the TV.

"No one." I lie.

"You know you're a bad liar?" he says giggling.

"I know." I say rubbing my head against his.

"So you gonna tell me who you were texting?" he asks.

"Don't worry. It was nothing." I say trying to convince him.

"Mmmk." he says tickling me.

I burst out laughing and try to push him off of me but he continues. I try to speak but my laughter drowns out my voice. He keeps tickling me making my shirt go up. I finally manage to speak and I call out saying,

"Pleaassseeee... Sttooopppp."

He pulls his arms away and I finally catch my breath. I stop laughing and Richie lays over me laughing. He pulls my shirt down and leans closer to my face, I giggle and slowly kiss his lips.


Time Jump: 2 hours

"So are you excited to go meet your grandpa?" Richie laying in his bed kicking his feet up.

"I am, but I rather spend Christmas with you." I say smiling at him from his desk.

"Yeah, but don't worry. We'll spend next Christmas together." he says sounding disappointed.

"Or I could just stay here with you this year."

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