Chapter 28: Lunch...

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Eddie's POV:
Time: Lunch on Eddie's first day back to school

"I just don't get him sometimes!" I say almost yelling.
"Yea." Noah says with a monotone.
"He just so understanding sometimes, and other times it's only about what he wants."
"Yea." Noah says in the same monotone.
I roll my eyes and test to see if he's listening by saying,
"I should probably stab him or something."
"Yea." Noah says in the sammeee dammmnnn monotone.
"Noah!" I say slapping his arm.
"Yea?" he says turning to me confused.
"Why aren't you paying attention?!" I ask annoyed.
"To what?"
"Me!" I say rolling my eyes. "I have to tell you all this before Richie gets back from th-"
"Eddie!" he says interrupting me. "I'm going to tell them..."
"Tell them what?" I ask confused.
He rolls his eyes then whispers,
"That I'm trans."
"Oh my god, yea I forgot."
"You forgot?" he says laughing.
"Yea. Like I said, I still view you the same."
"Yeah." he says with a slight smile on his face.

I feel a hand behind me tap my shoulder so I turn and see Richie sitting next to me with a smile.
"Hi Ed's." he says as he leans forward for a kiss but I turn my face over so he's only kissing my cheek.
He looks at me confused but ignores it.
"Guys, I have something to tell you..." Noah says in a shaky voice.                                                                 
I grab his hand as all the Losers turn facing him. I watch him try to push words out but nothing happens. He takes a deep breath and opens his mouth...


Richie's POV:                                                                                                                                                                       
Time: End of the school day

Eddie and I walk hand in hand to the car in complete silence. I let go of his hand and get in on the drivers side of the car. I sit, relax my body and start the car. I watch as Eddie adjust his butt in the seat and then I finally break the silence asking,                                                                                               
"Why didn't you let me kiss you?"                                                                                                                                                        
"I did." he says annoyed.
"Not on the lips!" I say complaining.
"I'm just worried about germs spreading."
"But you weren't worried yesterday?"
"No, it's just... I don't know." he says sighing. "When I was living with you I had fun not worrying about germs or anything, but now I have parents again, and I just want to go back to my old habits."
I take a second to process everything in mind then say,
"Yeah... I get that." I slowly slide my hand to his and squeeze it. "You could tell me anything. Okay?"
"Ok." he says as he leans onto my shoulder.
We still together cuddled up for a couple of minutes then I sit up and change the cars ignition.
"Where to my fine sir?" I ask in my British accent making Eddie laugh.
"Anywhere you want." he says still laughing.
"Anywhere?" I ask with a smirk.
"Except the arcade."
"What's oooOooffFfff?"
"The mating call of horny 7 year olds on Roblox."
"Stopp... just *sigh*... just drive." he says shaking his head with a smile.


I'm going to start writing shorter chapters so I could publish like 2-3 a week now

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